#CriticalThinking. Brussels think-tanks also suffer from several structural disadvantages that are hardly their fault. Situated in the nexus between academia, business and […] EU policy-making is more dependent on think tanks in Brussels. The European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) is a leading Think Tank based in Brussels, the capital of the European Union, focusing on EU-Asia relations since its founding in 1989. Tel: +32 2 289 10 90 - E-mail: eeb@eeb.org. It is primarily focused on economic policy in the European Union, and is often cited among the best economic think tanks in the world. Based in Brussels, it launched its operations in 2005 and currently conducts research in five different focus areas with the aim of improving economic debate and policy-making.. Bruegel was recognised as the best international economics think tank worldwide and the second best think tank … Ukraine Analytical Digest №6(111), 1 April 2021. Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels has launched its blog on BlogActiv. While the EU has been criticised for its lack of preparation, guidance, and strong unified response amidst the … Hindsight and Foresight - Think-Tanks’Guide aims to become the most comprehensive and up-to-date think-tank directory. This note offers links to commentaries and studies on NATO and European defence by major international think tanks. Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels The Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels, established in March 2014, is an association of Ukrainian think tanks with a unique focus on joint action at the EU level to advance reforms within Ukraine and the European integration of Ukraine. Ember is the trading name of Sandbag Climate Campaign CIC, a Community Interest Company registered in England & Wales #06714443. In the first half of 2016, eight think-tanks from the Visegrad Group that have been cooperating in the Think Visegrad platform, agreed on the idea proposed by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, to create a common representation office in Brussels. Nowadays, the Belgian capital is de-facto the most similar place on earth to Washington DC” (note: the high amount of think tanks in Brussels also explains the high ratio-value and ranking of Belgium in all the previous figures). 02.04.2021 DiXi Group. Think Tanks in Brussels - Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union, Ministry for Foreign Affairs It was established in 1983. However, “there might be in-direct … Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels Finally, Stephan Boucher, a staff member of Notre Europe, and Royo, published Les think tanks - Cerveaux de la guerre des idées in 2006. This site uses cookies: Find out more. The time has come for the EU and the United States to repair the transatlantic relationship and to build back better. Progress your career in European affairs today. 6 were here. Think Tanks. The members of the On Think Tanks Team and its Advisory Board are spread out across 6 continents! The focus was on the future of think tanks and policy advice, consequently many contemporary challenges and opportunities think tanks face were addressed. EC register for interest representatives: Identification number 06798511314-27. International non-profit association - … The Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) is the European think tank dedicated to ever better regulation for the energy, tech, media, telecom, mobility and water sectors. Wednesday, February 28, 6pm- … The Office organises events and publishes newsletters and information - including job offers - concerning its member organisations. Together we want to feed the public debate with new insights and propositions, developed by the best European think tanks in Brussels. The think tank focuses on all policy areas that impact on rural business with a strong emphasis on agriculture and food policies, particularly the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but also food standards, the food chain, … The current Brussels think-tanks suffer in part from being introverted, focused on EU institutional issues and, perhaps because of their pro-European and federalist proclivities, they are reluctant to stir things up. Organisation. NATO heads of state or government will meet in Brussels on 11 and 12 July for a … The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), a leading Brussels-basedRead More European Student Think Tank and European Horizons host first ever European Policy Prize On March 29, 2021 By European Student Think Tank Toggle navigation. Weekly analytical report: March 22 – 28, 2021. Geo-Politics, Shifting power, Europe, Development Policies. The head of a Brussels-based think-tank is under investigation by a joint Belgian-British team, on suspicion of leaking sensitive information to two Chinese agents posing as journalists. ... Beirut, Beijing, and Brussels… In Brussels, to simplify, too many think-tanks get too much of their money from the EU institutions to do research … AEJ is the ideal partner of BOZAR to coproduce these monthly think tank talks. The popularity of a think tank's official website, ranked against all other websites, as determined by the average number of monthly visitors (specifically, organic search traffic), number of keywords/phrases for which the site ranks, and the monetary value of the traffic as gauged by those keywords. The main motivation for it is the need to encourage debate on issues … Lessons from vaccination strategies: the EU needs a dose of pragmatism. “They all get money from the Commission so it’s difficult for them to think independently; they can’t bite the … It is addressed to the Members and staff of the EP for their parliamentary work. The think tank for a more Inclusive, Sustainable, Forward-thinking Europe. The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is a think tank based in Brussels, Belgium that undertakes research "leading to solutions to the challenges facing Europe today". 'Ember' and 'Sandbag' are trademarks held at the United Kingdom and European Union Intellectual Property Offices. It also enjoys extensive public outreach and provides information for lay people on current affairs topics such as Brexit and the … Wiele przetłumaczonych zdań z "Brussels-based think-tank" – słownik polsko-angielski i wyszukiwarka milionów polskich tłumaczeń. Farm Europe is a think tank that aims to stimulate thinking on rural economies in the European Union. ... Rue Stevin 48, 1000, Brussels, Belgium Tel.+32 466 21 51 64 communication@ukraine-office.eu www.ukraine-office.eu СОЦІАЛЬНІ МЕРЕЖІ . Bruegel was proud to participate in the 2019 Global Go To Think Tank Report Launch that took place in over 100 countries around the world … Rue des Deux Eglises 14-16, B-1000 Brussels . Bruegel is a think tank devoted to policy research on economic issues. Find jobs in EU Institutions, International Organisations, NGOs, Brussels, Europe in EU policy, law, economics. Brussels-based Belgian think tank Bruegel was established in 2005. Earlier papers on the same topic can be found in a previous edition of 'What Think Tanks are Thinking', published in December 2017. Latest Analysis & Opinion. In addition, think tanks might be perceived as being compromised in the light of increasing investments by foreign governments, private companies and foun­dations in foreign policy institutes – espe­cially those based in Washington, Brussels and London – in order to strengthen their own “soft power”. 6 its Think Tanks: A Promise to be Fulfilled.2 This large descriptive study devotes attention both to organizational features and to the significance of EU think tanks for EU policymaking. On Think Tanks was founded in mid 2010. EPLO is the platform of European NGOs, NGO networks and think tanks which are committed to peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict. 01.04.2021 . Academic and Think Tank (6) Communication/Public Relations (50) Consultancy (25) Economist (5) EU Institution (9) Industry Association (32) … Glasgow-born Fraser Cameron is director of the EU-Asia Centre, whose own website says it is “dedicated to promoting closer … Brussels, Belgium Bruegel is a think tank with a focus on macroeconomics and national and international governance. Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels has launched its blog on BlogActiv. Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world. As a policy research centre, its aim is to promote understanding between the European Union and Asia. The International Crisis Group is an independent organisation working to prevent wars and shape policies that will build a more peaceful world.We sound the alarm to prevent deadly conflict. The content of all documents contained in the Think Tank website is the sole responsibility of the author and any opinions expressed therein do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. We build support for the good governance and inclusive politics that enable societies to flourish. From dealing with China and stabilizing conflicts around Europe to combating climate change and regulating technology, this essay collection offers insights on how the indispensable partnership can once again … If you have a complaint, please study our complaints policy and contact us at complaints@eeb.org. Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels | 288 obserwujących | The Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels (hereafter – the Office) is a non-profit organisation that unites leading Ukrainian and EU think tanks. The following think tanks focus on business, trade, the transatlantic economy, or all of the above: ... (Brussels, Belgium; and others) Friends of Europe (Brussels, Belgium) IW Köln / Cologne Institute for Economic Research (Cologne, Germany) LSE European Foreign Policy Unit (London, UK) We bring decisive contributions for robust and efficient regulation in Europe and beyond through top quality in-depth research and lively debates. It has evolved from a blog into a global platform dedicated to study and support policy research and policy research centres, or think tanks. Generally, it covers topics like financial regulation and energy and climate. Our mission is to communicate internationally the knowledge and opinion of the Ukrainian expert … (2nd … Arnaud Sadzot // 24 March 2021. Getting NATO ready for the rest of the 21st century: eight core ideas for 2030.