Please send your documents by mail to the Student Service Point (address: TU Chemnitz, Studentensekretariat, 09107 Chemnitz). How is the invoice processing handled during selective and limited presence operation? Where can I get tips and advice on the technical implementation of mobile work? Further information and contact persons can be found on the website of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau. is to be restricted to an absolute minimum – with the exception of security guards and the mail service. Access for persons who are not members and relatives of Chemnitz University of Technology (employees of external companies etc.) Seit Sonntag herrscht in Sachsen eine Ausgangsbeschränkung. In order to provide our employees and students with the best possible protection and at the same time to give them long-term planning security, the Crisis Management Team and University Management have agreed that all exams during the examination period (including early examinations) will principally be conducted in digital form in the 2020/2021 winter semester. Please note that DFNConnect is limited to 200 participants and DFNConf to 23 participants. You can find detailed information on the blog of the URZ. The video backpack contains a camera Sony FDR-AX100 with battery, power supply, remote control, and instructions as well as necessary (mini)HDMI cables, two Magewell converters, a notebook Lenovo Yoga 720-15 with power supply and a video tutorial for using the equipment. The easiest way to conduct your consultation hours without direct contact is by telephone. Outside office hours you can also contact the Central Examination Office with your request by e-mail. Therefore, it is advisable to check the current development on the websites of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) as well as of the respective federal state, district, etc. anyone who want to be tested can do so in the following times: It is also possible to have a test done by your GP. The same applies to non-scientific-technical employees who participate in the aforementioned courses and examinations. Office opening hours. For this you need the same equipment that you use for video platforms: A computer with a good Internet connection and speakers or headphones. In case only your child is affected by a quarantine measure, there is always the possibility to apply for special leave according to § 12 Abs. Alternatively, the examinee should be given the opportunity to make enquiries by e-mail/telephone. That means for students: During the winter semester, you can still refuse to have an exam credited even after you have received the grade. SLUB (vom 14.12.2020 bis 10.01.2021 für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen) TU Dresden; Uni Leipzig; TU Chemnitz; TU Bergakademie Freiberg He also points out that elections "can only be held within the framework of such virtual meetings if the secrecy of the vote can be guaranteed by digital techniques". Das Sommersemester beginnt vielerorts auch später. One particularly nice feature is that you can change the position of your video image on each slide, allowing you to position your image according to the content of the slide. In addition, in order to enable a targeted control of the corresponding areas by the security guards during the period of closure, the Technical Building Management Unit of the Facility Management Department is also to be informed about ongoing long-term experiments. The protection of health of all students and employees is our highest priority. Shift schedules should ensure that fixed teams are formed wherever possible, i.e. The university crisis management team with regard to the coronavirus consists of the following persons: Since 13 July 2020, Chemnitz University of Technology has been in the second stage of selective and limited presence operation. You can hold your lecture virtually from your desk, either live or recorded. 29a, 09126 Chemnitz). Use narrow lifts and staircases alone if possible. According to this, leaving the domestic accommodation is only permitted with a valid reason, such as the pursuit of professional activities. What is the current situation at Chemnitz University of Technology? Are there currently courses at Chemnitz University of Technology? To prove this, it is sufficient to present a disabled ID card. How many confirmed and suspected cases of the corona virus are there at Chemnitz University of Technology at the moment? : X R 32/11). It must be a separate room. Hochschule und Corona: ... Auch haben viele Hochschulen, darunter die Uni Bayreuth, die TU Chemnitz oder die Uni Freiburg, den Lehrbetrieb vorübergehend eingestellt. You should also manually maintain a list of persons authorized to vote for a session before starting. The members of the appointment committee, the person taking the minutes and the applicant may be present (if necessary, an additional person may be called in to provide technical support), while online transmission is offered for the lecture part intended for the university public. If you have any questions, please contact the IUZ (e-mail: iuz@..., phone +49 371 531-13500). A medical certificate serves as proof of this. Everyone can only vote once. Please also use the postal service for other written correspondence concerning the organisation of your studies, such as applications for exmatriculation. Depending on the file size this may take a while. on the website of the Department of Budget and Economy, How can I prevent infections? The team helps students with problems concerning the course of study and prospective students with questions about the more than 100 courses offered by Chemnitz University of Technology, about study requirements, application and admission deadlines as well as the enrolment process. Do I receive a confirmation from the TU Chemnitz for the need of emergency care? Inside Higher Ed: So You Want to Temporarily Teach Online, Inside Higher Ed: Prepare to Move Online (in a Hurry). This means that mobile work is to be used exclusively on this day. Should mouth-nose masks, disinfectants, etc. If the trip is absolutely necessary, make an appointment in good time with the Foreigners' Registration Office by telephone under 0371 488-3371 and apply for an extension of your residence permit if necessary. This notification is to be made by the responsible areas by 18 December 2020 via the, registration form for the unattended operation of work equipment. If it is impossible to work fully in mobile work, the contractually owed working time is considered to be fulfilled according to the reverse conclusion of the Fourth Open President's Letter and can be noted accordingly. In general, the planning of courses at Chemnitz University of Technology can only be continued in the further course of the year under the condition that, depending on the development of the spread of the corona virus, a short-term cancellation cannot be ruled out. ", For degree programmes without limited admissions, enrolment is possible until October 23, 2020. Further information is available directly on the websites of the professorships. In the context of the extended stand-by operation from 4 May 2020 and the selective and limited presence operation from 1 June 2020, there are additional provisions. Die einzige technisch-ingenieurwissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Universität in Rheinland-Pfalz: mehr als 100 praxis- und zukunftsorientierten Studiengänge. Mobile work, digital courses, and digital exams are completely unaffected by the regulations of the New Year's stand-by operation. However, the underlying testing may not have been carried out before 5 days after entry into Germany. What do I have to do? Here you can use the tools DFNConnect and DFNConf provided by DFN. that employees and students carry their TUC-Card (, with them (in addition to a valid personal document) - in case of controls on the way to or from the university due to urgently required attendance activities or the participation in lectures or examinations on site. Such return is only possible after central approval by the Office for Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection. Further advice and support services at Chemnitz University of Technology as well as a FAQ area with more than 120 frequently asked questions about studying can be found online. Until when can I cancel my registration for a (re-)exam? In principle, the existing IT services provided by the University Computer Center (URZ) will remain available. In the general ruling of the Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Cohesion (SMS) of 1 May 2020, Ref. Is it possible to submit my timesheet electronically about my work as a student/scientific assistant? Is a (regular) appearance of employees on site in the buildings of Chemnitz University of Technology permitted during selective and limited presence operation? There are no separate times on site for patients with symptoms or patients without symptoms, i.e. If you provide the URZ with the user IDs of the committee members in advance, the data can be entered in advance so that the additional step is not necessary. used by several people. Furthermore, the ZfSG provides various digital offers on its websites. ... Informationen für BAföG-Geförderte (BMBF) Info-Sammlung von Studis Online. Bürgerinnen und Bürger können ihre vorher verabredeten Termine wahrnehmen. Here, direct clarification is provided by the faculties or the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (ZLB, Centre for Teacher Training). The Central Course Guidance Service (ZSB) is temporarily closed to the public. In the same course you will also find a list and explanation of the different types of course elements offered by OPAL as well as a short description of the application scenarios for the respective elements: Various video tutorials on OPAL are also provided by the Education Portal Saxony: Education Portal Saxony: Video tutorials on OPAL. Staatsministerium für #Regionalentwicklung unterstützt mit 125…, Aufnahme in Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften: #TUChemnitz-Prof. Dr. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann als…, Packaktion für Weihnachten im Schuhkarton: Gemeinsam können wir mehr erreichen! due to lung diseases like asthma bronchiale). If the employee works in the same qualitative manner in the home office and in the employer's office, the place where most of the working time is performed is decisive for the tax assessment. The city of Chemnitz has taken more stringent measures in response to the increased number of cases and the exceeding of the 7-day incidence of over 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Their contact details as well as their times of entering and leaving have to be documented in the relevant form to allow the tracking of contact chains. It is possible to implement the inspection via internet connection (e.g. How can I realise post-exam reviews at the moment? How do I reach the President, the Vice Presidents or the respective secretariats and the contact persons in the President's office during the current operation? 6 TV-L or comparable collective labour agreements for a total of up to 10 working days. BAföG will therefore continue to be paid even if the university closes due to the pandemic and lectures or examination dates are cancelled. If (additional) demand arises, students are given disposable masks by teachers and examination supervisors. Deactivate the selection “Apply only to this picture" and activate the selection “Delete cropped areas of pictures”. website of the Human Resources Department, COVID-19 dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute. We ask you to communicate the chosen alternative to the students clearly and as early as possible. However, they are asked to ensure that the current minimum level of operation is guaranteed and that Chemnitz University of Technology is fully operational after selectice and limited presence operation. Since 6 May, 2020, the Foreigners Registration Office of the city of Chemnitz is open for personal appointments, since 1 July the regular consultation hours are available again. In the event of no sign-out or a (considerable) exceeding of the length of stay, the security service provider is required to arrange for a corresponding property check by the patrol service. What consequences result for employees from the stand-by operation or the selective and limited presence operation of Chemnitz University of Technology? In addition, you can find information on entry requirements on the websites of the ( Foreign Office and the ( Federal Police. Employees who are not required to maintain selective and restricted presence operation as well as the second stage of this opertaion must, unless they have taken leave etc. The respective employees of the core team will be specifically named and informed by the Rectorate and the heads of the faculties, central institutions, and departments in consultation with the respective line managers – taking social aspects into account. The staff of the President's office is largely working from home office. Depending on developments in the coming weeks, changes for individual states may occur. Please announce the meetings until one week before the meeting date via e-mail to support@.... You will then receive the necessary contact details. There are no separate times on site for patients with symptoms or patients without symptoms, i.e. The definition of tasks is still the responsibility of the respective line managers, subject to the restrictions described above. sowie der Prüfungsausschuss, für die BA Europa-Studien sind die Fachstudienberater Ansprechpartner in Fragen zum Modul S3. Each participant casts his vote. External participants must be informed in advance of the event about the current hygiene concept of Chemnitz University of Technology. With the publication of the current Corona Protection Regulation (valid from December 16, 2020, to January 10, 2021), curfew restrictions were issued in the Free State of Saxony. For the provision of URZ services, however, delays may occur in some cases in the current situation. According to publications of the Robert Koch Institute for risk assessment, the burden on the health care system depends largely on the regional spread of the infection, the available capacities, and the countermeasures taken (isolation, quarantine, physical distancing). Is it possible to conduct job interviews on site during selective and limited presence operation? To do so, he or she may have to enter the secret code. Chemnitz (dpa/sn) - Draußen zuhause: Nicht erst seit Corona haben viele Menschen Bewegung und Sport in der freien Natur für sich entdeckt. On the website of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) you will find a list of risk areas. Can I claim emergency care for my child(ren) in a day care centre or school? If it is not possible to provide proof in any other way, it may be necessary to submit proof that the study achievements remaining open at the end of the standard duration of study, for example, could not be provided due to the pandemic-related closures. If you want to address questions or problems to the URZ, please use only the service address (send your request by e-mail to support@...). Currently, eight employees of Chemnitz University of Technology have been tested positive for the corona virus. November per … The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has issued a decree that BAföG recipients should not suffer any disadvantages from the COVID-19 pandemic. The occupational medical precaution G35 “Working abroad under special climatic and health stress” is included in the service program of the Medical Service of Chemnitz University of Technology. This would mean that all participants could see each other and ensure and assure that no unauthorised participants are present. This also applies in particular to the proof of activities in ESF-funded doctoral projects. If you want to experiment by yourself, click on the small wrench and you can define your own conversion format. The participants have to be informed in advance of the event about the current hygiene concept of Chemnitz University of Technology. Die Corona-Pandemie wird den Lehr- und Lernbetrieb an den Hochschulen weltweit auch im Wintersemester 2020/21 beeinträchtigen, sodass – etwa mit Blick auf den Vorlesungsbeginn und die Auslandsförderung – weitere Vollzugsregelungen getroffen werden mussten. This is necessary, for example, for enrolment when taking up studies or for taking exams which are conducted in attendance. Do certificates from the university have to be provided in order to maintain the BAföG entitlement? My video takes up too much space. Aufgrund der Corona-Situation wurde der Start des nächsten Semesters auch um einen Monat verschoben, sodass ich im Oktober noch Prüfungen schreiben werden. The Foreigners' Registration Office issues a corresponding certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung) as proof. Further information can be found on the TU4U website. For primary schools, after-school care centres and secondary schools, however, the restricted regular operation continued until the summer holidays. an Solo-Selbständige, Angehörige der Freien Berufe (wie Rechtsanwälte, Ärzte, Apotheker Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer etc.) The post office at Reichenhainer Straße 70 is open daily from 10.00 to 10.30 a.m. Erfenschlag will be covered in the first tour. The issuance of a separate certificate by, For employment contracts based on § 2 para. it is pointed out that due to the current situation (. This allows all participants to verify that their vote has been correctly registered and has not been tampered with, without seeing who voted how. The Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) decided in 2016 that expenses for "a room that is integrated into the domestic sphere and a not inconsiderable part of its area is also used privately" are not considered as business expenses or income-related expenses (Ref. Requirements time-wise:
on site. The Student_innenrat (StuRa, Student Council of Chemnitz University of Technology) also offers advice and maintains a FAQ with further information. hygiene concept for written exams (version 1.3, September 17, 2020). How can I reduce the file size? 357 people are currently treated in hospitals, 44 of them in the intensive care unit. These lists are to be kept in the respective sections for a period of four weeks after the event and are to be kept in such a way that they can be promptly forwarded to the university management for forwarding contact data to the health authorities upon request. step-by-step guide as well as a FAQ section. The blog entries are constantly updated. How do you deal with deadlines for homework or final papers that cannot be met due to the university's stand-by operation. The Public Health Office will decide on the further procedure. You can find more information on the contact page of the ZPA. Every person at Chemnitz University of Technology is obliged to wear a mouth-nose cover (mouth-nose mask) in buildings (but not outside) in case of possible personal contact (i. e. on all stairs, corridors, and in shared rooms etc.) If individual applicants do not give their consent, the selection or filling of the position cannot be postponed any further for operational reasons or if a realisation in presence is considered mandatory, interviews can in principle be held on site up to a maximum of ten participants. opening the university library, computer pools and laboratories to students, is excluded from the counting of deadlines for homework and final papers. From 2 to 10 January 2021, the university will be put into New Year's stand-by operation. With the VLC media player, you can easily convert video files into a smaller format or reduce the amount of data. Übrigens: für Studierende der TU Chemnitz gilt, dass die Förderhöchstdauer von BAföG trotz Nicht-Anrechnung des Sommersemesters 2020 gleich bleibt . In the 2020 summer semester, there was no general shortening of the lecture period. Dazu zählen die aktuellen Hinweise auf unser Institutsseite sowie die FAQ der TUC zu den aktuellen Maßnahmen mit Blick auf das Coronavirus. For meetings with more than ten persons, no rooms can be made available at present. According to these rules, persons entering Saxony from abroad, who have stayed in a risk area within 14 days before entry, are obliged to go directly to their home immediately after entry and to inform the health authority responsible for them about their entry as well as in the occurrence of disease symptoms. Consultation hours take place e.g. It is therefore strongly recommended that employees and students carry their TUC-Card (employee ID card of Chemnitz University of Technology) with them (in addition to a valid personal document) - in case of controls on the way to or from the university due to urgently required attendance activities or the participation in lectures or examinations on site. * due to possible need for a differentiated assessment over time, please delete as appropriate. Concrete possibilities of support and further information can be found in a PDF document of the coordinator for inclusion and contact person for students with disabilities at Chemnitz University of Technology. In the following we would like to inform you about the current measures at Chemnitz University of Technology with regard to the coronavirus. How do I deal with my planned/current semester abroad? According to the Rector's Letter 55/2020 of November 9, 2020, members of Chemnitz University of Technology, i.e. The (university) public is only to be involved digitally, e.g.
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