US-Wahl 2012 von Stefan Libiseller US-Wahlsystem Wahlmänner unterschiedliche Anzahl pro Bundesstaat "The winner takes it all" "Biblebelt" republikanisch Republikaner Demokraten Mitt Romney 12.03.1947 Geboren in Detroit Wohnhaft: Belmont (Massachusetts) Mormone Barack Obama November 2020 wird in den USA ein neuer Präsident gewählt. Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_037 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Keith Tucker fills out his application for an in person advance ballot, which is the first step in voting during the advance voting period. Canton USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_001 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Canton, GA, USA: Ten days worth of political direct mail pieces in one suburban Atlanta voters mailbox, in a strongly Republican Georgia county. Fünf Wochen vor der Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA hat die mit Spannung erwartete erste TV-Debatte zwischen Amtsinhaber Donald … Am 3. Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_036 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Voters arrive at before sunrise in order to to cast their votes during advance voting in Georgia s runoff elections. Clean Eating Chocolate Recipes Als spezielles Angebot stellen wir Ihnen einen Zugang zur interaktiven Lernplattform Quizlet zur Verfügung. SoundCloud. Was sind âSwing Statesâ und âBattleground Statesâ? Franzikus. US-Wahl 2020 - Das Rennen um die Mehrheit im Electoral College Während Donald Trum Bald ist es soweit und die US-AmerikanerInnen bestimmen ihren Präsidenten - sollte man meinen. 52 435 members. May 31, 2020 - unterrichtsmaterial-kostenlos - Zaubereinmaleins - DesignBlog. Five voting centers are open across the county throughout the advance voting period. Doch was es mit den Spenden und finanziellen Unterstützungen im Wahlkampf auf sich hat, warum Geld im Präsidentschaftskampf eine so groÃe Rolle spielt und was sogenannte Super-PACs sind, erfahren Sie im dritten Teil unseres Themenschwerpunktes in Kooperation mit PolEdu. Smyrna USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_041 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Smyrna, Georgia, USA: Staffing shortages have delayed the opening of this voting center in Smyrna, Georgia until after Christmas. Durch das Webinar führte Pascal Günsberg von PolEdu. Der Einstieg ist über die vorgegebenen Zugangsdaten möglich. Five voting centers are open across the county throughout the advance voting period. Finish the movie we started watching several weeks ago in French class. The special election for two U.S. Senate seats is set for Jan .5, 2021. Canton USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_002 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Canton, GA, USA: Ten days worth of political direct mail pieces in one suburban Atlanta voters mailbox, in a strongly Republican Georgia county. Five voting centers are open across the county throughout the advance voting period. Weitere Unterrichtsmaterialien Wahlen in den USA sind eine kostspielige Angelegenheit. Passend zu diesem Thema bietet der öbv auf dieser Seite einen US-Wahl-Schwerpunkt mit kostenlosen Arbeitsblättern, einem Webinar, einem Quizlet und drei Erklärvideos an. Annatina Plattner. Petition to Annatina Plattner. November 2020 fand die 59. Am 3. Five voting centers are open across the county throughout the advance voting period. Das Zeitbilder Magazin Nr.1 behandelt die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2020 in den USA. US-Wahl 2020: Die Macht der Swing States RP Online (Rheinische Post) Maine , Nebraska , Florida . Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Das Wahljahr 2020 ist von der Coronakrise und der „Black Lives Matter“-Bewegung geprägt. Smyrna USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_037 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Turnout continues strong during advance voting in Georgias runoff elections Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_035 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Turnout continues strong during advance voting in Georgias runoff elections Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_034 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Turnout continues strong during advance voting in Georgias runoff elections Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_033 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Turnout continues strong during advance voting in Georgias runoff elections Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_032 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Turnout continues strong during advance voting in Georgias runoff elections Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_031 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx. Alles rund um die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten in diesem Jahr, den Vorwahlkampf der Demokraten und Hintergründe rund um die Politik in den… Five voting centers are open across the county throughout the advance voting period. Wir stellen Ihnen die Bewerber der US-Wahl ausgiebig vor. Diese Seite ist keine offizielle Website der US-Regierung, sondern eine unabhängige, gewerblich betriebene Seite. Der amtierende Präsident Donald Trump und sein Herausforderer Joe Biden befinden sich in einem erbitterten Wahlkampf. Es ist kostenlos zum Download verfügbar und die perfekte Ergänzung zur Reihe Zeitbilder Oberstufe. Die US-Wahl 2020 ist entschieden: Der Demokrat Joe Biden gewinnt nach einer langen Zitterpartie die historische Wahl und wird somit 46. Article from Zach possesses over 20 years of experience in knowledge, information, and data management strategy, design, and implementation. May 29, 2020 - unterrichtsmaterial-kostenlos - Zaubereinmaleins - DesignBlog. Passend zu diesem Thema bietet der öbv auf dieser Seite einen US-Wahl-Schwerpunkt mit kostenlosen Arbeitsblättern, einem Webinar, einem Quizlet und drei Erklärvideos an. Watch US-WAHL 2020 - Donald Trump Jr. fordert den 'totalen Krieg' gegen angeblichen Wahlbetrug - US News on Dailymotion 22-may-2020 - ModaSeyir.Com sitesi bilgi amaçlı olup güncel hayata dair merak edilenleri ele alan güncel bilgileri okuyucularına ulaştıran güzellik moda kadın sitesi. Turnout continues strong during advance voting in Georgia s runoff elections Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_019 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: Having moved to Georgia from colder climates, poll worker Don Sipos knows how to dress warmly for his outdoor assignment, guiding voters into the line where they will wait to vote. CV. 17 likes. US Wahl 2020 - Episode 76 by TradingFreaks Daytrading Podcast published on 2020-10-27T09:12:19Z. Oktober 2020. Follow. Jetzt kostenlos registrieren und Vorteile nutzen! United States Political Referendum Campaign - 3d Illustration xYAYxMicrox xStuartxMilesx ESY-047682496, 2020 Election Usa Presidential Vote For Candidate. 2020 Election Vote Usa Presidential Vote For Candidates. Insgesamt 29250 Stockfotos & Bilder zum Thema Us Wahl 2020 stehen zum Lizenzieren zur Verfügung. Marietta USA - ZUMAd155 20201218_znp_d155_007 Copyright: xSuexDorfmanx, December 18, 2020, Marietta, Georgia, USA: A man drops off his absentee ballot during Georgia s runoff elections. Doch streng genommen wählen sie ihn gar nicht direkt. US-Wahl 2020. US Wahl 2020 - Live Ticker. Five voting centers are open across the county throughout the advance voting period. 17 likes. Unser neues Zeitbilder Magazin ist da! Atlanta USA - ZUMAb165 20201219_znp_b165_004 Copyright: xJohnxArthurxBrownx, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump Jr. greets supporters and poses for pictures at rallys end Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_034 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump Jr. greets supporters and poses for pictures at rallys end Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_033 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump Jr. greets supporters and poses for pictures at rallys end Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_032 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Sen. Perdue greets crowd after rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_031 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle, Sen. Perdue and Trump Jr. wave to enthusiastic crowd at end of rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_030 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle, Sen. Perdue and Trump Jr. wave to enthusiastic crowd at end of rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_029 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle, Sen. Perdue and Trump Jr. wave to enthusiastic crowd at end of rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_028 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Donald Trump Jr. and Sen. Perdue at rallys end Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_027 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Donald Trump Jr. addresses crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_026 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Donald Trump Jr. addresses crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_025 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Donald Trump Jr. addresses crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_024 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Kimberly Guilfoyle introduces Donald Trump Jr. Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_023 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Senator David Perdue greets supporters Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_022 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_021 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Senator David Perdue greets supporters Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_020 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Senator David Perdue greets supporters Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_019 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump supporter joins in prayer as rally begins Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_018 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump supporters fro the North Georgia area wait for rally to start Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_017 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Teen Trump supporters wait for rally to start Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_016 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump supporting couple waits for rally to start Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_015 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: A father talks to his son as they way for rally to begin Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_014 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle kisses Trump as she introduces him to crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_013 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle kisses Trump as she introduces him to crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_012 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle kisses Trump as she introduces him to crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_011 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Donald Trump Jr. speaks to crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_010 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle kisses Trump as she introduces him to crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_009 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle kisses Trump as she introduces him to crowd Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_008 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump supporter joins in prayer as rally begins Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_007 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump supporters recite Pledge of Alligance at start of rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_006 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Trump supporters recite Pledge of Alligance at start of rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_005 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, News Bilder des Tages December 19, 2020, Ringold, GA, USA: Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, campaigns in North Georgia with former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle for Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) who is in a close race with democratic challenger .Jon Ossoff for a special run-off election Jan. 5.Pictured: Guilfoyle, Sen. Perdue and Trump Jr. wave to enthusiastic crowd at end of rally Ringold USA - ZUMAn03_ 20201219_zaf_n03_004 Copyright: xRobinxRaynex, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator-designate Michael Regan delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_034 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator-designate Michael Regan delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_033 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Chair of the Council of the Council on Environmental Quality-designate, Brenda Mallory delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his ââ¬oeKey Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointmentsââ¬Â at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_031 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator-designate Michael Regan delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_032 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Chair of the Council of the Council on Environmental Quality-designate, Brenda Mallory delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_030 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Chair of the Council of the Council on Environmental Quality-designate, Brenda Mallory delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his ââ¬oeKey Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointmentsââ¬Â at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_029 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for National Climate Advisor, Gina McCarthy delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his ââ¬oeKey Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointmentsââ¬Â at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_027 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for National Climate Advisor, Gina McCarthy delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_028 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for Deputy National Climate Advisor, Ali Zaidi delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_025 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for National Climate Advisor, Gina McCarthy delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_026 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for Deputy National Climate Advisor, Ali Zaidi delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_024 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for Deputy National Climate Advisor, Ali Zaidi delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_023 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Appointee for Deputy National Climate Advisor, Ali Zaidi delivers remarks after being introduced to his new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_022 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivers closing remarks after US President-elect Joe Biden spoke at an event introducing his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_021 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivers closing remarks after US President-elect Joe Biden spoke at an event introducing his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_020 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivers closing remarks after US President-elect Joe Biden spoke at an event introducing his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_019 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his ââ¬oeKey Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointmentsââ¬Â on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_018 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_016 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_017 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Interior-designate, US Representative Deb Haaland (Democrat of New Mexico) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_015 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, News Bilder des Tages December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Interior-designate, US Representative Deb Haaland (Democrat of New Mexico) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_014 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Energy-designate, former Governor Jennifer Granholm (Democrat of Michigan) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_012 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Interior-designate, US Representative Deb Haaland (Democrat of New Mexico) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_013 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Energy-designate, former Governor Jennifer Granholm (Democrat of Michigan) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_010 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Energy-designate, former Governor Jennifer Granholm (Democrat of Michigan) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_011 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States Secretary of Energy-designate, former Governor Jennifer Granholm (Democrat of Michigan) delivers remarks after being introduced to her new position by United States President-elect Joe Biden at an announcement event naming his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments at the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_009 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_007 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_008 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_006 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_005 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_004 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_003 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his Key Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointments on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_002 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Wilmington, Delaware, USA: United States President-elect Joe Biden delivers remarks from the Queen Theatre in Wilmington, Delaware announcing members of his ââ¬oeKey Climate and Energy Team Nominees and Appointmentsââ¬Â on Saturday, December 19, 2020 Wilmington USA - ZUMAs152 20201219_zaa_s152_001 Copyright: xBidenxTransitionxTvxViaxCnpx, December 19, 2020, Canton, Georgia, USA: Ten days worth of political direct mail pieces in one suburban Atlanta voters mailbox, in a strongly Republican Georgia county.
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