Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. Someone in the Bush family (most likely Nancy herself) stated her exact age of 4 years and 7/12 to the census taker (an unusual way for an adult to express his/her age). In 2005 He had also shut down the CIA unit responsible for hunting him down, and in 2009 it was revealed that Bush’s top officials missed a chance to nab Bin Laden in 2001 when US forces were closing in on him; top Bush national security officials had rejected repeated pleas for reinforcements from commanders and intelligence officials, despite available resources. ONB – To give any consideration to the possibility of this person being related, at all to those who came here to destroy the United States is not only a waste of time, it is absurd. When Morgan discovered that the tower would transmit free electricity and radio waves, he cancelled the project and had the tower dismantled, then sold for scrap. The war on terror and the war in Iraq has encouraged a new wave of human rights abuse and diverted attention from old ones … while many governments are openly pursuing repressive agendas. For years it has been suspected that this happens—around the world, not just in the US. Not geopolitics. There was also much reflection on attitudes and opinions of the past decade. Markets are complacent in the view that despite record debts, the cost of borrowing is minimal. I cannot wait to SEE How the media and governments around the world REACT to his “Potential” funeral arrangements, like past Presidents! It is now over a decade since the terrorist attacks in the US, simply dubbed 9-11 shocked the world, and ushered in a global war on terror. TWIII died on June 18, 1870, in Tazewell, Illinois, and was buried at Bloomington, Illinois. GHW also had established a “compound” on the east coast in Kennebunkport, Maine before 1900. Genealogical data is absent from other reliable resources and the most comprehensive of databases,, declares that “no such record exists.” The Iraq war was one such example, where among other things, the concern of terrorism was used to justify a war against Iraq, even though the terrorism links were not real. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction.” However, Charlotte Muzar, a secretary, paid Tesla the visit. Based upon Skorzeny’s claims, this money probably fell into the hands of George H.W. Similar to the dropping of “Trading With the Enemy Act” charges against GHSI/PSB In 1942, this is yet another example of a federal “investigation” involving a member of the “Scherf” clan, designed to give the illusion that the agency was “doing its homework.” . If this quotation were true, then what would have caused Loeb to state (to the INS) in 1912 that he was born in “Landsberg, Germany?” Behind the scenes, Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman secretly influenced (or controlled) the activities of key intelligence agencies in the U.S., thus, affording the Vatican the opportunity to suppress potentially damaging information from reaching the public. The timing of these events would require patience, careful planning, cooperation from others in positions of trust, stealth and deceit. Bush.” Had Moses been looking into a mirror and said those words…HE WOULD HAVE “SEEN” WHAT WAS MEANT BY SAYING.. “I AM” The wily GHW declared in the 1920 U.S. Federal Census that his father was born in “Maryland” and that his mother now, too, was born in “Maryland.” [35] After failing to fully undermine Clinton in a few scandals, the Monica Lewinksy affair became a major opportunity. To the west of Dölitzsch was the town, Wegeleben, home of Martin Bormann. It was no coincidence that the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, in an effort to destroy incriminating DVD records, along with documents pertaining to Agent Orange, that was used to defoliate the jungles of Viet Nam. It had been discovered that the Nazis were laundering stolen money (from Europe) through the UBC and sending it back to Adolph Hitler through Fritz Thyssen, the Warburgs, I.G. (See the section on global protests for more on that, for example). You know Folks, Those Creatures that contacted the NAZIS Before WW2 Started. : Tea Party, Fox News Viewers Outliers on Immigration, Islam', Inter Press Service, September 6, 2011, Jim Lobe, 'Three Years On, War on Terrorism Looks Like a Loser', Inter Press Service, September 11, 2004, Jim Lobe, 'Five Years In, Bush Is Losing Terror War', Inter Press Service, September 8, 2006, 'White House refuses to release full NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] report', Associated Press (via MSNBC), September 27, 2006. (Signed) The last sentence in the quotation above is not only ambiguous it is misleading. October 27, 2004, the BBC aired one of its documentaries in the Fear series. We had a very large German population. [28] George Scherf, described in books, newspaper and magazine articles and in biographies distributed throughout the scientific community as Tesla’s “trusted associate, accountant, and sometimes secretary,” stole his inventions, sold them to the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) through his vice-presidency and directorship under the alias of Prescott Sheldon Bush, to be forwarded to Paul Warburg (banker), Fritz Thyssen (industrialist) and I.G. From this perspective, GHSII/GHWB’s inability to recall where he was the day JFK was assassinated is not believable (doesn’t everyone recall where they were the day JFK was assassinated?) Samuel P. Bush employed a maid, Emma Sigler, who immigrated to the U.S. in “1907,” from Urbach, Germany. Up to September 11, 2001, the Bush administration was being criticized around the world for its stances on various issues domestically and internationally. When will our so-called American patriots finally find the backbone to confront these realities and demand an end to this madness? All right, uh, my girlfriend was in the car at the time, all right, and I sped through three lanes of traffic and went into a local shopping center, and he pulled in right behind me—and he gave me a dirty look—then he pulled a couple feet away, then he drove off. Considering the sizable endowments Loeb lavished upon Harvard and other notable educational, medical, and art institutions in Boston and New York, it was most advantageous for Harvard to portray Loeb as a philanthropist and victim of “depression” (hardly fit for a transatlantic swim), than as a German banker whose father’s company supported the “master planners’” war machine before and during two world wars. Tesla found it difficult to work for Edison (due to Edison’s reneging on financial promises), but soon found backers to finance his research and development projects and his new inventions. Of special interest was the catalogue of participants which was contained in a large collection of boxes. Much more can now be researched and written since the master planners are no longer able to hide in the fictitious realms of their propagandized history books and family biographies. Prescott Sheldon Bush) Additionally, they were not pedophiles as has been alleged recently— just complete hogwash. Loeb declared his U.S. citizenship on this trip, though he apparently suffered from amnesia in 1910, neglecting to declare any country of origin and later, in 1912, declaring to the U.S. Immigration Service that his birthplace was “Landsberg, Germany,” [6] a small town west of Munich. I initially had contacted, or tried to contact Eli Rosenbaum, who was the Director of the United States Justice Department, Office of Special Investigations. They are completely the opposite. On the foreign policy front, even recent history of the last 50 years or so has been questionable by both Western leaders and Middle Eastern leaders. Many worried that various countries around the world would also use this war on terror as an excuse to pursue more aggressive options on their own citizens. who NEVER had the name SCHERFF… try looking in BURKE’S PEERAGE… And if F.E. Your email address will not be published. Those who are quick to charge “conspiracy theory” or unjustly claim that such exposes are “attacks on one’s religious beliefs” only assist the above-mentioned charlatans in achieving their ultimate goal—world domination. On the foreign policy arena, there was increasing concern that the U.S. would be able to use the war on terror to pursue aggressive policies that were previously criticized by many other people. It is simple to understand when you put these questions into human terms. Reactions: GodfatherPartTwo, Handsome Creepy Eel, YoungColonial27 and 1 other person. 1 July, 1901, Walker’s Point, ME, d. 19 Nov., 1992, Greenwich, CT. Some of the definitions of terrorism under discussion are so broad that they could be used to criminalize anyone out of favor with those in power and criminalize legitimate peaceful exercise of the right to freedom of expression and association. At that time, Henry Kissinger was installed as an “acting” DVD leader. . Accounts of the Ohio Historical Society differ from these reminiscent, Bush-family explanations. But Nasser grasped the deeper geopolitics of empire in a way that British leaders had long … “He forged a birth certificate in order to enter the military before he turned 18. It took GHW 20 years to realize that his mother, Martha Adela (Becky) was born in Emmitsburg, Maryland—that is, if she was really his mother. This story was a ruse, and Canaris resettled in Oklahoma under an alias, Samuel Randall Pittman. Better yet, it is propaganda designed to hoodwink an unsuspecting society about its true heritage and the treasonous acts and sabotage that were conceived in order to bring about a New World Order. This is especially relevant now, as citizens seek answers on how and why such a terrible atrocity could be committed. He went on to describe the aliases of himself Frank Edward P_ _ _ _ _, of south Florida (according to Berman, who claims he is trying to protect Skorzeny’s daughter), Reinhard Gehlen (Hank Janowicz, Wayne, N.J.), and Dr. Joseph Mengele (Steven Rabel). Considering Adolph Hitler’s propensity to employ metaphysical symbology and his obsession with the dark side of the occult, it is plausible that GHS1/PSB’s surname had everything to do with his having been chosen for an exceptionally covert plot: To funnel and launder stolen money through American banks sympathetic to the Nazi cause, to profit technologically and financially from stolen technology, and to subvert the government of the United States through bribery, intimidation, murder and espionage. It was never intended for us to learn about the suppression of Tesla’s advanced scientific discoveries, nor about those who profited from their theft—the orchestrators of the master plan. p. 203. I do not necessarily agree with all of the views of all the links and sources provided, and by no means are they a comprehensive list, rather an example. His many technological discoveries were certain to have drawn the attention of those hungry for world domination and superiority. In German genealogical records and databases, the spelling of Scherff (two Fs) is very rare. In addition, some eight months after the attacks it was revealed in the mainstream press around the world that the CIA had warned George Bush of the threats weeks before September 11. US Military Commissions Act 2006—Unchecked Powers? 3. In addition, towards the end of 2006, it was revealed that the Pentagon is keeping secret surveillance on peaceful protest activities. 8 June, 1925, Rye, NY (Wrong: Based upon 1930 Census, she was 4 yrs., 2 mos. After all, many of them had gone through a similar process of “assisted” immigration, false documentation and assimilation into American society; they equally profited from the business they conducted with SPB and his association with Buckeye Steel Castings, Remington Arms (through his position as Chairman of the War Industries Board), the Harrimans, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and GHW. @andthentheendshallcome Please leave this field empty. The relationships are (intentionally?) Berman recounted how Skorzeny was found “not guilty” at the Nuremburg trials, and then ushered into the CIA. Bormann also managed all of Hitler’s business affairs and personal finances after gaining a reputation as an assassin and intimidator of trade union organizers. SS officer and physician Joseph Mengele, the notoriously sadistic “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war. The Washington Post (September 12, 2001) even dared to admit this at such a sensitive time shortly after the attacks. His return to the U.S. was rewarded with a chairmanship at the First International Bank of Houston, a probable destination for illicit Asian profits. The biographies of GHW agree that he was born on June 11, 1875. The blatant lies with respect to the “cast of characters” fomenting and executing the plan, replete with distortions and concealments of facts, have been their modus operandi over several generations. He had returned, on this trip to the U.S., after lecturing in Paris. 4. (For additional insights, see also this site’s sections on propaganda during the war on terror, and an example of how Britain’s Tony Blair used fear and spin to fight a war on terror.). Some intelligence agencies suspect “DVD” might be an acronym for Deutsche Versicherungs Dienst (German Insurance Agency). Certainly, those tracing the Bushes’ roots and family history would have gotten it right. HOW GULLIBLE DOES THIS MORON THINK WE ARE?!?! He demonstrated, early on, an innate ability to solve mechanical and scientific problems, especially in the area of electricity and its applications in power production. Fordham University, a Jesuit institution, controls the Vatican’s top official in the U.S., John Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New York (at St. Patrick’s Cathedral). [9] On April 7, 1882 a 25-year old Tesla arrived via the SS Nordland, which departed from Antwerp. In fact, it is highly plausible that the individual who spoke to the FBI was not a Scherff and was a stand in. It was unlikely he would have returned to any port of entry other than New York, unless he had arrived at some other secret location. Records show that 17 Battery Place is the Whitehall Building and was owned by Frank Rockefeller, who, with his brothers William and John D., also owned many of the companies with offices located there. !…Nice to see some THINKING people here for a change! Probably—if they exist (it has become apparent that individuals associated with the Nazi Party commonly have all or parts of their genealogical records expunged—we will explore this further in the section of this article dealing with the “Bush” family tree). This failure of leadership is a dangerous concession to armed groups. Though this story may only be another myth, by now it has become quite difficult to distinguish PSB biographical fact from fiction. Scherff later enlisted in the U.S. Navy as “George H.W. EVERY Religion on earth practices the ancient “Formula” created by KEMET The “Bushes” Expatica is the international community’s online home away from home. It is possible that in 1917 Tesla was receiving heavy fire, but it certainly wasn’t from his own gun.” and Ruth M. Powell were living in the United States prior to World War II, then they were spies for the Nazis and Circuit Chatauqua provided them with a perfect cover. The Abwehr has since become the “Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (German Defense Agency [DVD]).” The agency’s motto is: “Für uns, ist der Krieg niemals vorbei (For us, the war is never over).” The “Walkers” Later that night, when I was comin’ back home, uh, a car pulled up behind me, flashing his lights, wanting me to pull over. What you are about to read is another step beyond research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed “clues” provided by former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Why U.S. Mercenaries are in the Philippines? In their fight to get the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden himself, as well as other jihadists, were supported by the US, encouraging the training of jihadists and the rise of miltantism to galvanize opposition to the communists. In fact, the Brick Church (actually in East Orange, New Jersey) was built in 1878, 15 years after his proclaimed “birth date,” and not in “Orange.” In early 2007, Walter Murphy, a constitutional law scholar and professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University (described as the most distinguished constitutional scholars of the 20th century) had criticized the Bush administration for abusing the US Constitution. A “Scherf” was a halfpenny or obol from the time of the Carolingians (8th and 9th centuries). Reddit; WhatsApp; Table of contents Go to top. Arrival of the Bankers It is highly unlikely that Tesla would have hired (or did hire) him. “Brick Church” is not a town, it is a church. GHS1/PSB stole Nikola Tesla’s technology and, according to Skorzeny, “robbed Tesla blind.” The Nazis of the Third Reich, determined as they were to deceive the world in their pursuit of world domination, made some mistakes. It has deepened divisions among people of different faiths and origins, sowing the seeds for more conflict. In 1993, a little-known document surfaced which described, not only this debriefing, but GHSII/GHWB involvement with the CIA as early as 1960 (Recall Skorzeny’s statement in 1999 that he co-founded the CIA with “George H.W. Unsurprisingly, there has been a lot of furor. If the Scherfs (who were trained in espionage for the purpose of providing Hitler with stolen technologies developed in America) were to be of any worth to Hitler’s unquenchable thirst for advanced weaponry and world domination, they must be able to penetrate Tesla’s inner circle of influence. Biographical accounts about Samuel P. Bush (SPB; Prescott’s father) claim that he was born at “Brick Church, New Jersey.” [20] This information is supported by federal census declarations made by SPB himself. He was 16 at the time.” Experts from across Brookings … The embezzlement of his capitalization went unchecked throughout Tesla’s career. James Loeb [13] Wars that have seen far more than the 3,500 deaths that the US saw, and a self-fulfilling prophecy; creating more anger and resentment against the US, more potential terrorists, and the complete opposite of what the neo-cons wanted; global downturn and US decline instead consolidating their power and position in the world. Once again ordinary citizens may suffer the most. Read “War on Terror Geopolitics” to learn more. While it is true that Tesla intended to use his Long Island facility to perform experiments, “with the transmission of electrical energy for power and lighting purposes by wireless. Catharine (No maiden name, no DOB, no birthplace, no date of marriage). Was this an attempt to establish Warburg’s nationality? Web. [40] Subsequent publications of this event described a “Marconi wireless system” having been installed in 1904, but that story was designed to hide the facts behind Tesla’s technology, thus deflecting attention away from the theft of this invention and others related to radio transmission and reception. However, behind the unity of the American people in the shock of September 11, a heightened sense of security resulted with concerns reverberating throughout the world. Researchers attempting to investigate the activities of SPB in the National Archives were told that his records were “burned” to save space. BPB (Barbara Pierce Bush) Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years! Farben (the largest conglomerate of chemical companies in the world) — the latter two being industrialists loyal to Hitler’s Nazi Party. . In his book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” [1] author G. Edward Griffin described the secret meetings which created the Federal Reserve in 1913. They are a long-time, patrician American family. There also exists a Brick Church train station, a Brick Church Plaza and, of course, the Brick Church Clubhouse. Regardless, the DVD, headquartered in Dachau, is the international Nazi Intelligence continuum. That question will be answered after a closer examination of the real identity of George H. Scherf, Sr. (GHS1/PSB) and his real mission. The Bush family “history” claims that the young Prescott “attended the Douglas School,” also in Columbus, Ohio. During his presidency, President Scherf… er, uh… (aka) President George H.W. The significance of this benign description of Tesla’s inventions and his last days has a direct relationship to the previously unknown claims of Otto Skorzeny. George Scherff Jr. years 1938, 1950, 1999. This is LOADED with “happy-Hor-Shit”….If Bush was executed…WHY HAVE THE “STATE FUNERAL” FOR A KNOWN TRAITOR??? Texas Power Failures Look Like California! Others saw this as proof that Islam is inherently violent or that it is the primary threat to the rest of the world, etc. Geopolitics and deficits do matter. 14, 20. That’s what it was.” Further investigation reveals that the Pope is covertly controlled by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Peter Hans Kolvenbach—the Black Pope. JFK and RFK tried to ignore, but were then taken out. Osama Bin Laden was eventually tracked down and killed some 10 years later.

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