To obtain permission, the person issuing the invitation must submit an application to the Rectorate which must contain a meaningful justification as to why the visit is necessary as well as information about hygiene provisions.Contact:Tilo Prautzsch, Facility Management. Since the beginning of the year, the pandemic has had a hold on all aspects of our lives. unter Corona-Bedingungen. Click Now to check the details! If a safety authority orders that an event has to be cancelled due to a pandemic, this is force majeure and the organizer generally is not liable. Die Corona-Regeln und -Maßnahmen ändern sich, je nach aktuellem Infektionsgeschehen. Changes have been made to section III in particular, specifically to the provisions for temporarily banning contacts of people who have tested positive for coronavirus from entering university premises. Data transfer to the cloud or file server via remote access (VPN) is encrypted. If you request a transcript, it will be emailed to you as a PDF attachment after all examinations have been entered in ZEuS. Example: What do I need to do as a superior if one of my staff members tests positive for coronavirus? Yes. Die schnelle Diagnostik ist zentral in der Strategie zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus in Deutschland. You should book, collect and return the KIM.MediaBOX at the KIM Library and IT Support desk in the libraryʼs Information Centre. It is not possible to serve ready-made food, including by way of catering, during authorized on-campus meetings in line with section II. Weitere Maßnahmen für Beschäftigte (zunächst gültig 1. 3 of the Corona Ordinance "Studienbetrieb und Kunst" (university operations and art), universities in the state of Baden-Württemberg are currently open to university members only; however, university management are free to admit additional groups of people. minimum distance of 1.5 metres was observed, face coverings were worn). You do not need disinfectant. Das hat der Krisenstab der Uni angeordnet. Juli 2020 ist die Arbeit des Krisenstabs der Universität Konstanz in Bezug auf die Corona-Krise beendet worden.Nachfolgend wurde ein Arbeitskreis Organisation und Sicherheit im Coronabetrieb eingerichtet. Manuel Wenger Arbeitsgebietsleiter. are eligible to apply. If this data is not available yet, the following information must be collected: first and last name, address, date and time spent on campus as well as a phone number. you are not required to notify the authorities, to quarantine or to take a COVID-19 test. Everday supplies of marking and adhesive tape etc. Daily updates on Canon print services at the University of Konstanz at: Please consult our guidance for contact persons of confirmed COVID-19 cases. 3. As per § 14 in connection with § 6 of the Corona Regulations, the University of Konstanz is required to collect and store data from visitors, users and/or participants for reasons of contact tracing. and any hygiene measures that were taken (e.g. Bei Fragen, die darüber hinausgehen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die dort genannte zuständige Fachabteilung. Exceptions may be possible in special circumstances and in individual cases only. Abbau von Zeitguthaben 2. Subito-Zugang für Bedienstete der Universität Konstanz Bitte melden Sie sich mit Ihrer Bibliotheks-Benutzernummer (z.B. This also applies if you are on campus for class in the morning and spend the afternoon in the library or vice versa. Alle Informationen werden auf der Website veröffentlicht.. Bitte informieren Sie sich täglich, denn wir bilden jeweils den tagesaktuellen Status ab, auch was den Betrieb der Universität und die Durchführung von Präsenzveranstaltungen angeht. Please email your additional requirements (e.g. Please note the information about what to do if you have cold symptoms or are ill and the guidance for contact persons of confirmed COVID-19 cases. From now on, old chemicals can be accepted again. For more information, please refer to FAQ 8.5. This means that the currently limited Seezeit Services offered on-site continue to be available to you. If you wish to travel to a destination outside Germany, you must first submit a request for approval and a completed risk assessment to the Division of Human Resources. The same is true of email addresses for a particular purpose. Then they have to inform the director of the departmental administration as well as the in-house physician, Heike Strauß. Veranstaltungen und Besprechungen finden generell virtuell statt. Both documents are on the. Besides coffee you can purchase sandwiches and pastries. Please note that a visor may be worn in addition to a face covering but not without one. Ein wichtiger Grund ist vor dem Hintergrund der Bibliotheksschließung auch die dadurch eingeschränkte Literaturversorgung, insbesondere wenn die Bibliothek auch über den 10. Remote completion of Erasmus+ mobilities is allowed in the winter semester 2020/2021. Mandatory registration at all university entrances Please note that you must always sign in electronically or, as an exception, by entering your name into the paper lists provided when entering university premises. For access on Sundays and public holidays, you must register these persons by 10:00 of the previous working day. Please contact Tilo Prautzsch, director of Facility Management, if you have any questions ( A view of the University of Konstanz campus. They are currently being updated and will soon be available. To sign in on arrival, please select "Kommen” (check in) (see image, the symbol in the bottom left-hand corner). BUT a purely online semester abroad WITHOUT physically travelling abroad is not eligible for funding (as of 2.10.2020). Please write an email stating your reasons to your research group leader. Ministry of Science, Research and Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg, court of auditors, Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (LfDI, state representative for data protection and freedom of information), Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg, Landratsamt Konstanz (district office), etc. Access to the University of Konstanz is granted after the research team leaders or supervisors have submitted the risk assessment to the deans. Many of our partner universities also contact students nominated for an exchange directly. Reimbursement will be made after the conditional on-site operations has ended. During yesterday's meeting the Rectorate of the University of Konstanz decided to extend its previous holiday rule, which means that it will not be possible to cancel holidays. Both websites are in German. The financial support for the mobility starts as soon as the intern enters the host country, regardless of whether the internship took place at the physical office or remotely. Since 2011 Sina Rauschenbach is the coordinator of the “Spanish-German Academic Conversations” (Spanisch-Deutsche Arbeitsgespräche) which are the result of a joint initiative of the Fundación Xavier de Salas (Trujillo), the Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel) and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. KIM also provides access to the campus network from outside the university via VPN connections (Virtual Private Network) for university staff members. Contact:Renate Pfeifer, Division of Human Resources and Legal Affairs. The changes were made to adapt the university's rules and regulations to the current recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) regarding the classification of contacts. Februar 2021) Um für Studierende und Lehrende Planungssicherheit zu schaffen und eine Lücke ab dem 11. More detailed information about liability is available from our Legal Affairs unit. The University of Konstanz’s IT security team has created a guide for keeping data and information secure at home and while travelling (in German). Das bedeutet konkret: Für den Besuch von Präsenzlehrveranstaltungen, -prüfungen und Terminen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung gelten tagsüber (in der Zeit zwischen 5 und 20 Uhr) keine Ausgangssperren. for the conditional on-site operations can be ordered from the university's web shop (Streit) using the usual oder process. barricade materials) to the university's central purchasing unit (“Zentraler Einkauf”) by 28 April 2020. You can access this website by clicking on the corresponding tile on the website. Students can remote access the university network via the new server address Typically, these are available on campus via the public computer stations, e.g. Das Rektorat der Universität Konstanz hat in seiner Sitzung am heutigen Mittwoch, 16. Due to the pandemic W building will have to remain closed to visitors until further notice. Electronic recording of staff members’ times on campus:To access university buildings, staff members will no longer be required to scan their staff ID cards. Your home university will provide you with all required Erasmus+ forms. To arrange for cleaning, please do the following: First of all, inform the i-Point. The key management team currently offers its services during the following opening hours: Mondays: 9:00 to 12:00 Wednesday: 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 - 15:30. If you need to purchase certain services/material for your home office (such as data packets for your mobile phone), the usual regulations apply: Your supervisor has to approve all purchases. The University of Konstanz's Central Purchasing unit is able to place external orders. This regulation aims at supporting especially those who prepare online classes and teach online while having have to take care of small children at the same time. 03/123456) und Ihrem Bibliotheks-Passwort an, um ein Subito-Ticket zu … can occur on short notice. Each university unit can determine individually how this will take place. The regulations on fire and building evacuations do not invalidate the guidelines on infection protection, but have temporary priority until all persons are safe and have reached the assembly point outside.All working group leaders and supervisors as well as examiners and instructors of exams and courses have to inform their teams and participants about the priority of the fire and evacuation instructions. We will send information via our newsletter EIN|BLICK to your personal university email address – please check this account twice per day. Im Landkreis Konstanz werden zur Unterstützung des Gesundheitsamtes im Umfang von zwei Vollzeitäquivalenten gesucht. If you require protective gearplease contact the responsible person (typically this will be the head of your research group). To make an appointment, please email the in-house physicianʼs assistant, Angelika Tyczka, copying the in-house physician in on your email. External visitors (if permitted) will also provide their contact information. Antworten auf Fragen zur aktuellen Situation an der Universität Konstanz finden Sie hier . You must provide a detailed explanation as to why you need to travel to this particular destination. Sc.) You will not need to complete and submit an internal request form (“Anforderung”).Background information and instructions: Since coronaviruses are enclosed by a double lipid layer they can be renderd harmless by detergents such as soap, washing agents or washing-up liquid, which can dissolve this layer. If you have questions please contact the universityʼs occupational safety/occupational health team within the staff unit Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection. Contact:Wolfgang Hellstern, Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental, Information from the Landratsamt Konstanz (district administration office). We do, however, have great confidence that this will be the case. Please note that wooden spoons should go in the bio waste container. 2. NEW: You can have expenses reimbursed up to the maximum amount of the grant agreement for your Erasmus programme if the reason is “force majeure” (e.g. Staff and students at the University of Konstanz who are exempted from the quarantine requirement as per the aforementioned criteria may enter the University of Konstanz campus (see FAQ 1.4 paragraph 1). Januar 2021 hinaus geschlossen bleiben muss. Die Universität Konstanz ist die südlichste Universität Deutschlands. die Kachel „Studium und Lehre im Wintersemester 2020/2021“ auf zuständige Fachabteilung:Nikolaus Zahnen, Abteilung Studium und Lehre. Online-info sessions: Study abroad with ERASMUS+ during the academic year 2021/22 . If you are the affected person, please request the test result from your family doctor yourself in order to minimize time delays. Der Krisenstab der Leibniz Universität Hannover beurteilt täglich die aktuelle Lage zur Ausbreitung des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 und entscheidet, wie die LUH bestmöglich auf die Situation reagieren kann. Since viruses – as opposed to bacteria – cannot reproduce on a wiping cloth (they would require cells from suitable higher-order organisms to do so), you can reuse your cleaning cloths. Based on the renewed Corona Ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Corona Ordinance "Studienbetrieb und Kunst" (cf. Access to online teaching resources will however not be affected. Please note that if a very large number of exchange students gets nominated, we might not be able to guarantee accommodations for all exchange students. Zur Verknüpfung von Medienwissenschaft und kulturwissenschaftlichen Tier-Studien" ONLINE-EVENT: 8. General information for using the barcode scanners: The terminals record the barcode (student ID number) on your student ID card as well as the time when you enter and leave the university. If this is impossible, please keep at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Fachbereich bzw. Since some parts of courses and lectures will most likely be held on campus, it will not be possible to complete your exchange with the University of Konstanz completely online. Virtually all university employees have had to move their work to their homes on short notice in the past few weeks. Contact the International Office team via email. Dezember 2020 ausschließlich in digitaler Form stattfinden werden. Contact:Kerstin Melzer, Division of Human Resources and Legal Affairs. Facility management and technical supplies. Especially staff members with childcare and caring responsibilities can of course continue to make individual arrangements with their supervisors for working from home and/or arrange for a flexible transition to working on campus – even if they have an individual office at their disposal on campus. #Corona aktuell zum 16.12.2020 - Schließung an Weihnachten Die Universitätsbibliothek bleibt bis Weihnachten geöffnet. The Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM) is the university's central service provider for IT and library services. Please also inform your host university! Besonders die Rolle des Föderalismus während der COVID … If you test negative for the coronavirus, you may be exempted from the prohibition to enter the campus in justified individual cases only. By the way: The University of Konstanz will also be offereing several online courses in the winter semester 2020/2021. Please note that you will only be able to hand over your waste at the appointed time. The Archaeological Institute has an international network of cooperation partners. Beachten Sie hierzu bitte die Informationen auf der Website Ihres Fachbereichs. The Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection team (AGU) informs you that in case of a fire alarm and evacuation of the buildings the regulations on correct behaviour in an emergency/fire and evacuation have absolute priority, even over the guidelines on infection protection. (These areas will be marked accordingly within the next few days). Student assistants are also asked to continue working from home (as much as possible). It is still necessary to register persons who need access to university buildings after 21:00 and on Sundays/public holidays and to keep a separate list of these persons. Die Fachbereiche werden gebeten, entsprechende Informationen auf Ihren Webseiten zu veröffentlichen.2. Jahrhundert bis ins frühe 21. desk, phone, keyboard, mouse, etc.) Contact. KIM Library and IT Support will be happy to answer your questions until 23 December 2020 and from 9:00 on 4 January 2021: phone: +49 7531 88 2871, email:, Contact: Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM), It will only be used for potential contact tracing as may be requested by the health authorities in case of a COVID-19 infection on campus. Das heißt, sie darf nicht mehr betreten werden. In light of current events Seezeit student services would like to draw your attention to the correct way of disposing of to-go containers: both the containers and the spoons – although biodegradable – should be placed in the residual waste basket ("Restmüll"). If you cannot avoid contact with other persons or cannot keep at least 1.5 metres away from others, then you should wear a face mask. You should continue to ventilate rooms that are not equipped with mechanical ventilation systems for three to five minutes every 20 minutes by opening the windows. They will then directly place the order, either working from home or at the university, depending on the situation. Further information is available on the website of the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM). The entrance next to the bus stop line 9 is open Mondays to Fridays from 7:30 to 17:30. This is why you should have suitable alternatives lined up in case of technical difficulties. Das Land Baden-Württemberg hat auf Basis der Beschlüsse von Bund und Ländern (vom 28. you are not required to notify the authorities, to quarantine or to take a COVID-19 test. Den Optimismus sollte man deshalb trotzdem nicht verlieren. Further information: SARS CoV-2 occupational health regulations by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Article 9 (in German). Hier gehen täglich zwischen fünfhundert und tausend Abstriche von Covid-19-Verdachtsfällen ein. Detailed information on how to wear and remove your face covering correctly is available on the website of the universityʼs Occupational Safety team (in German). The grant can be paid shortly before your planned departure date, as long as we have your grant agreement (original) AND your declaration that you are departing at your own risk. Make sure you get a “confirmation of stay” and have the courses you attended online documented in your learning agreement and transcript of records. The reason behind this is that we currently cannot make any predictions as to when conditional on-site operations at the University of Konstanz will end. Especially in areas where working from home isnʼt easily possible, staff members may be permitted to work on campus more if the infection protection measures are observed – in compliance with the known regulations regarding the existing office and/or lab situation, risk groups and scheduling working hours at different time intervals.As a pre-requisite, all of this must be covered by an updated risk assessment. General information on audio and video conferencing is available on the website of the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM): Instructions on how to conduct a video call with Bite is available from the Division of Human Resources under the tab “online application system”. Staff members are obliged to check their personal university emails twice per day during the „Präsenzbetrieb unter Auflagen“ (conditional on-site operations) to inform themselves about the state of the closure and so they can be contacted in case of urgent matters. The following services remain available: 1. Current information about Corona. Please make sure to record the following information: name of the person you had contact with, duration and type of contact (e.g. Please make an effort to observe the required safety distance as well as can be done; please also take note of any signposting or barriers on site. Even if you do not belong to a COVID-19 risk group but do have concerns about returning to the campus, please submit a brief written explanation to your supervisor. The University of Konstanz highly recommends its members carefully consider the respective entry requirements as well as the risks and benefits of taking part in an individual, long-term stay abroad (several weeks or months for the purpose of studying, completing an internship, conducting research or teaching abroad). The Chair for Bioinformatics and Information Mining concentrates on the extraction of knowledge from large, heterogeneous data sources. The University of Konstanz's general hygiene regulations have been updated again as of 20 November 2020. Please make individual arrangements with your supervisors for working from home as much as possible. You must sign in when entering the building and sign out again when leaving the building.Students without student ID card, guests, contractors, etc. Please fill out the following request form (“Anforderung”). This means that you will also need to check in at the building entrance if you have booked a space in the library, i.e. Inanspruchnahme von Urlaub oder Resturlaub 3. Any vacation requests must therefore be coordinated well in advance. Teaching in winter term 2020/2021 will be mainly online for 1 st and 2 nd term students. You can contact the in-house physician, Heike Strauß, for advice – especially on the particular risks you face as a result of a pre-existing condition or an individual predisposition. Information about the Erasmus Programme that applies specifically to Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic is available (in German) on the German Academic Exchange Service’s (DAAD) website. Until further notice, due to the new regulations you are no longer required to check in when entering K building.