Somebody asked me to show them how to do it so here's a tutorial!! Users in your server can add to a maintained list of unviewed movies and create polls to vote on what to watch! Instantly create Watch2Gether rooms using this simple bot. Movies and Filmmaking is the #1 movies discussion discord server. Discord movie streaming has become one of the go-to’s of almost everyone worldwide. There are bots which can find videos and just stream the audio but if we can stream the video it would make things a little bit interesting. A variety of useful information commands. However if you are good with programming you can edit your Client and let your friends do the same, but I think thats against Discord TOS. A fun currency system to keep your members engaged. The best music bot for Discord. Commands: Plenty of moderation tools to help keep your server safe. This feature can be developed even further if we can stream licensed "Movies" from Netflix for example. With a variety of community events, expanding community, and custom bots, this is the place to talk film. It only takes one command to get music playing. Default prefix: – Update using prefix command. If you search for a celebrity, you will see how many certified fresh, fresh, rotten, and unscored movies they have, as well as their average score. DISCORD BOT LIST Watch2Gether 0 Rated 5.0 by 7 users 0 upvotes in April Add Watch2Gether Upvote Watch2Gether. … Imagine all users in a discord channel can watch the same Youtube Videos at the same time? If you're a filmmaker, we also have opportunities and channels for you to discuss with professional filmmakers and others around The YouTube video is converted into MP3 format and then played in the background. Currency. This discord bot does exactly as the name suggests, it helps users to play music from YouTube videos. Music. Easy to Use No setup required. — Discord (@discord) March 11, 2020. The All-In-One Discord Bot - Without the price tag. The Discord-MovieDB-Bot is a Discord-Bot that allows you to get information from any movie by user request. With Discord’s increasing popularity here in the United States, you can take advantage of its robust and highly functional features. Since Discord is based on JavaScript(which gets excuted in your client) the only ways to do this would be a Bot that plays the sound in a voice channel and outputs the video frame by frame in the Chat. You can also keep track of movies the server has seen together in a viewed list. Discord bot used to organise a movie night! Add to Discord Stable Groovy will always be there to play music for you. Groovy is the easiest way to play music in your server. Easily watch YouTube videos together in your server. Youtube Video Sync | Watch YouTube videos together in your server. Some of its most impressive capabilities that make your streaming experience more enjoyable include the following: Moderation. Info. Does not work with apple at this time of 5/8/2020Follow me on twitch! This Discord bot that allows you to search movies and TV shows on Rotten Tomatoes and view the critic score, audience score, and consensus. If there’s any confusion in the actual name of the video, this bot can even play music from a valid URL. If you’re one of those people — or if you’re just a random Discord user who wants to show everyone what you’re playing, here’s how you can use Go Live. Invite Support Docs. Music Bot is the best Discord music bot. For additional help with any commands, use –help. Movie Bot: Looking for a bot that can find you favourite movie then why not choose Movie Bot it gets information about you favourite TV and Movie shows straight from the IMDb database through an API-24/7 uptime, unless we have some new updates or scheduled downtime.-Movie information straight from IMDb Database-We have general commands to see bot information and more