Karakurt, S.; Sanz-Prat, A.; Ergh, M.; Rien, C.; Selinka, H.C.; Hübner, U.; Drewes, J.E. Jürgen Popp. 17.11.2020. Fajnorová, Soňa; Sprenger, Christoph; Hermes, Nina; Ternes, Thomas A.; Sala, Lluís; Miehe, Ulf; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Assessment of Full-Scale Indirect Potable Water Reuse in El Port de la Selva, Spain. Am 25. Hübner, U., Hellauer, K., Müller, J., Karakurt, S., Zhiteneva, V., Drewes, J.E. Due to its sound theoretical foundation, our formalism can be used as benchmark to test the performance of other methods for interference fringe removal. Drewes, J.E., Ternes, T., Hübner, U.; et al. Listen to music by Uwe Hübner on Apple Music. : Development of novel treatment concepts based on sequential biofiltration for indirect potable reuse. Tackaert, R. Hübner, U., Müller, J., Drewes, J.E. Drewes, J.E., Hellauer. Für seinen 60. ; Hübner, U.; Drewes, J.E. Authors contributing to RSC publications (journal articles, books or book chapters)
Deutschlands angesagter DJ-Pool ist zum Hot Spot der Szene geworden und … Uwe Hübner. Miklos, D.B. Miklos, D., Hartl, R., Linden, K.G., Drewes, J.E., Hübner, U.: UV/H2O2 pilot-scale process validation and process reliability evaluation for TOrC removal from WWTP effluents. Read about Der Deutsche Hitmix 2 by Uwe Hübner and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Februar weitergekommen sind, auf ihre Konkurrenten aus dem Norden, Osten und Süden. T. G. Mayerhöfer, S. Pahlow, U. Hübner and J. Popp, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Albert-Einstein-Str.
Drewes, J.E. or in a thesis or dissertation provided that the correct acknowledgement is given
Hellauer, Karin; Karakurt, Sema; Sperlich, Alexander; Burke, Victoria; Massmann, Gudrun; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Establishing sequential managed aquifer recharge technology (SMART) for enhanced removal of trace organic chemicals: Experiences from field studies in Berlin, Germany. Karakurt, S., Sperlich, A., Hellauer, K., Hübner, U., Jekel, M., Drewes, J.E. Engineered Natural Treatment Systems for Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Reuse. : The status of de factor potable water reuse – A national reconnaissance of Germany. Fetching data from CrossRef. Also die Besten der Besten. Hübner, U.; Miklos, D.; Müller, J.; Fajnarova, S.; Herzog, B.; Drewes, J.E. Drewes, J.E., Hellauer, K., Müller, J., Regnery, J., Li, D., Hübner, U.: New Design Strategies for Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems and Biofiltration to Enhance Removal of Trace Organic Chemicals. ; Hübner, U.: Quantitative exposure and risk assessments of a potable reuse treatment train. Ab sofort gibt es die Auswertung auch als Podcast. Zhiteneva, Veronika; Carvajal, Guido; Shehata, Omar; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Quantitative microbial risk assessment of a non-membrane based indirect potable water reuse system using Bayesian networks. ; Karakurt, S.; Zhiteneva, V.; Hübner, U.: BMBF-Verbundprojekt TrinkWave zur Stützung der städtischen Trinkwasserversorgung durch indirekte Wasserwiederverwendung. Dies spiegeln besonders die Charts und Events von www.dj-hitparade.com wieder. Ulliman, Sydney L.; Miklos, David B.; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.; Linden, Karl G.: Improving UV/H2O2 performance following tertiary treatment of municipal wastewater. ; Wanner J.: Fate of antibiotic resistance during advanced wastewater treatment. Back to tab navigation. Meine Leidenschaft. ; Hellauer, K.; Karakurt, S.; Zhiteneva, V.; Hübner, U.: Multibarrieren-Aufbereitungsverfahren zur Wasserwiederverwendung auf Basis einer Grundwasseranreicherung. Miklos, D. B., Hartl, R., Kletke, T., Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E. If you are not the author of this article and you wish to reproduce material from
J.E., Zhiteneva, V., Karakurt, S., Schwaller, C., Hübner, U.: Risk Management in Water Reuse – International Perspectives and Approaches for Germany. : New water treatment concepts to take advantage of functionally-modified microbial communities for enhanced biotransformation of trace organic chemicals. ZDF-Hitparaden-Legende Uwe Hübner führt erzählend, moderierend und mit profundem Hintergrundwissen durch die als Musical inszenierte Geschichte. Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: Bein, Emil; Zucker, Ines; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Ozone membrane contactors for water and wastewater treatment: A critical review on materials selection, mass transfer and process design. : Entfernung anthropogener Spurenstoffe mittels UV/H2O2 aus dem Kläranlagenablauf der Großkläranlage Gut Marienhof (München II). : Abschätzung der Relevanz einer ungeplanten Wasserwiederverwendung und deren Einfluss auf die Trinkwasserversorgung in Deutschland. Evaluation Of The Persistence Of Transformation Products From Ozonation Of Trace Organic Compounds. Hellauer, Karin; Mergel, Dorothea; Ruhl, Aki S.; Filter, Josefine; Hübner, Uwe; Jekel, Martin; Drewes, Jörg E.: Advancing Sequential Managed Aquifer Recharge Technology (SMART) Using Different Intermediate Oxidation Processes. Muntau, Meriam; Schulz, Manoj; Jewell, Kevin S.; Hermes, Nina; Hübner, Uwe; Ternes, Thomas; Drewes, Jörg E.: Evaluation of the short-term fate and transport of chemicals of emerging concern during soil-aquifer treatment using select transformation products as intrinsic redox-sensitive tracers. Zhiteneva, V.; Ziemendorf, E.; Hübner, U.; Drewes, J.E. Within this contribution, we introduce an appropriate formalism based on wave optics, which allows a particularly fast and simple correction of any interference based effects. Sequential biofiltration – A novel approach for enhanced biological removal of trace organic chemicals from wastewater treatment plant effluent. Müller, Johann; Jewell, Kevin S.; Schulz, Manoj; Hermes, Nina; Ternes, Thomas A.; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Capturing the oxic transformation of iopromide – A useful tool for an improved characterization of predominant redox conditions and the removal of trace organic compounds in biofiltration systems? : Coupling high-rate infiltration trench technology with a plug-flow bioreactor (SMARTplus) for indirect potable reuse via groundwater recharge. Corresponding authors, a
Loggen Sie sich ein, um den Job Mechaniker Motorgeräte (Landmaschinenmechaniker/in) (Kraftfahrzeugmechaniker/in) bei Uwe Hübner … American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200 Reston, VA 20191-5807 703.264.7500 Drewes. Karakurt, S.; Schmidt, L.; Hübner, U.; Drewes, J.E. : Elucidation of removal processes in sequential biofiltration (SBF) and soil aquifer treatment (SAT) by analysis of a broad range of trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) and their transformation products (TPs). Hellauer, Karin; Michel, Philipp; Holland, Sophie I.; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.; Lauro, Federico M.; Manefield, Michael J.: Inferring trophic conditions in managed aquifer recharge systems from metagenomic data. Eignung von Verfahren zur weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung – Ein Vergleich. Murgolo, S., Hübner, U. Helmreich, B., Drewes J.E., Mascolo, G.: Investigation of Electrochemical Process For Removal of emerging organic pollutants in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents by a Boron-doped Diamond Electrode. Drewes, J.E., Hellauer, K., Regnery, J., Müller, J., Hübner, U.: Modifikationen der künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung zur verbesserten Entfernung von anthropogenen Spurenstoffen mit Hilfe von Metatranscriptomics. Auswirkungen der Klimaveränderungen auf den Wasserkreislauf und die Trinkwasserversorgung. ; Karakurt, S.; Zhiteneva, V.; Hellauer, K.; Müller, J.; Hübner, U.: Development of a Resilient, energy-efficient novel biofiltration treatment concept of water recycling applications. Diversity and function of microbial communities in charge of micropollutants degradation analyzed by shotgun and 16S rRNA metagenomic sequencing. 02.06.2020. Evaluation of the prediction of trace organic compound removal during ozonation of secondary effluents using tracer substances and second order rate kinetics. Müller, J., Hübner, U., Linden, K., Drewes, J.E. Opportunities to tackle the full potential of wastewater. Zhiteneva, Veronika; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Removal of Trace Organic Chemicals during Long-Term Biofilter Operation. : Rapid small scale column tests (RSSCTs) for differentiating between sorption and biodegradation mechanisms removing trace organic chemical (TOrCs) in biological activated carbon (BAC) filters. Hellauer, K., Mergel, D., Ruhl, A.S., Filter, J., Hübner, U., Jekel, M., Drewes, J.E. Der Podcast zum Ranking erscheint ab sofort immer in der ersten Woche des Monats. Drewes, J.E. If you are the author of this article you still need to obtain permission to reproduce
: 4. Müller, J., Schulz, M., Hermes, N., Hübner, U., Ternes, T.A., Drewes, J.E.
Hellauer, Karin; Martínez Mayerlen, Sara; Drewes, Jörg E.; Hübner, Uwe: Biotransformation of trace organic chemicals in the presence of highly refractory dissolved organic carbon. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an. Hübner, U.: UV-LED based water disinfection: Characterization and irradiance measurement of lab-scale LED irradiation systems. Sperlich, A., Karakurt, S., Hellauer, K., Hübner, U., Gnirss, R., Drewes, J.E. Substantial refractive index mismatches between substrate and layers lead to undulating baselines, which are known as interference fringes. 9, 07745 Jena, Germany
Uwe Hübner in Castrop 30.5.2010.Video wurde erstellt von Benjamin Kastner BITTE TEILEN - BITTE TEILEN ! : Development of a treatment concept based on technically modified hybrid filtration systems for indirect potable reuse. Umfassende Fachkompetenz unter einem Dach Der Kauf des Objektes Prinzregentenstraße 73 in München, dem heutigen Sitz des Traditionshauses „Feinkost Käfer“, im Jahr 1956 durch Käthe Stelzer legte den Grundstein für die RH Unternehmensgruppe. Koch, K.; Helmreich, B.; Hübner, U.; Drewes, J.: Innovative Forschungsansätze der TU München für das Wassermanagement in Städten der Zukunft. Hübner, U., Muntau, M., Müller, J., Schulz, M., Jewell, K., Ternes, T.A., Drewes, J.E. E-mail:
2020-09-14. Drewes, J.E., Horstmeyer, N., Müller, J., Müller, E., Hübner, U.: Alternative energy-efficient treatment approaches to augment drinking water supplies with recycled water.
Müller, J., Villamayor, L., Hübner, U., Drewes, J.E. Wünsch, Robin; Mayer, Carina; Plattner, Julia; Eugster, Fabienne; Wülser, Richard; Gebhardt, Jens; Hübner, Uwe; Canonica, Silvio; Wintgens, Thomas; von Gunten, Urs: Micropollutants as internal probe compounds to assess UV fluence and hydroxyl radical exposure in UV/H2O2 treatment. UWE HÜBNER war am Sonntag (12.01.2020) bei der Veranstaltung Andy Tichler hat sich bei uns letztes Mal wohl gefühlt, ich mich bei ihm heute. : Analysis of microbial community diversity and function responsible for transformation of micropollutants in MAR systems using next generation sequencing. Hellauer, Karin; Uhl, Jenny; Lucio, Marianna; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Wibberg, Daniel; Hübner, Uwe; Drewes, Jörg E.: Microbiome-Triggered Transformations of Trace Organic Chemicals in the Presence of Effluent Organic Matter in Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Systems. Er unterstützt die Stiftung Deutsche Schlaganfall-Hilfe, die Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge ... Dezember 2020 um 01:02 Uhr bearbeitet. Find top songs and albums by Uwe Hübner. October 9, 2020. S. Guo, T. Mayerhöfer, S. Pahlow, U. Hübner, J. Popp and T. Bocklitz, Analyst, 2020, 145, 5213 This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Hübner, U.; Hellauer, K.; Müller, J.; Drewes, J.E. For reproduction of material from all other RSC journals and books: For reproduction of material from all other RSC journals.
Oktober treffen die Künstler, die am 29. ; Hübner, U.; Sperlich, A.; Schimmelpfennig, S.; Dünnbier, U.; Massmann, G.: Coupling bank filtration to pond infiltration – a usefil option in terms of quality improvements.