1. […] is part four of a series on how to find your perfect audience! CleverTap put together a comprehensive article that discusses how to create a persona and what you want to include in each profile. As Founder and Head Content Strategist for the Pure Inbound team, Logan has established himself as an authority on content writing and effective SEO strategies. Lookalike audiences are based on sophisticated modeling software and identify people who share similar likes, interests, or characteristics to your current audience. Catch up by reading post one about knowing your WHY, post two about creating your ideal reader profile, and post three about knowing who you currently […] Reply. It can be a great source of information about your potential audience. Are B2B marketers having success on LinkedIn? Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn offers plenty of groups where you can find your potential customers. And the numbers are only growing. How many Michael’s and Hannah’s and Kevin’s should you create? The marketers winning on LinkedIn right now are doing so because they’ve done their research & they know who they’re targeting. Find out who are celebrities or influencers in your niche. Knowing who you are addressing allows you to understand the customers better and get them on your side. Your perfect audience is a combination of real data (from past clients or potential clients whom you’d like to reach) … Before developing a marketing strategy , it is important to identify a business’ target audience – the population most likely to want or need the product. Over the coming weeks we'll be updating our login process to send upgraded accounts to SharpSpring. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est eopksio laborum. B2B marketing personas aren’t quite as simple. Instead of trying to guess what they were thinking, you can actually ask them what they were thinking. Audience size ranges from 1% to 10% of the total population in the countries you choose, with 1% being those who most closely match your source. Find out who are celebrities or influencers in your niche. Information surrounding target audience demographics such as their age, job, what social media channels they use, and much more becomes vital when putting together your marketing campaigns. We’ve given the ‘Perfect Audience Formula’ to tons of people – but some still don’t get results. “A marketing persona is a composite sketch of a key segment of your audience. The increasing volume of data that people are creating on a daily basis, can serve as an ideal starting point for brands to perfect their consumer engagement. “ROI was off the charts – we made a ton of money… we were getting at least a 20x return”. This might require you to search through the web extensively, including various forums. 1. A tech startup? You can use a tool like SimilarWeb to get some information on their site traffic, or a tool like Ahrefs to see which of their pages are performing the best in Google. HubSpot. PromoRepublic’s Post Ideas. Three step process and let’s get right into it. Conduct a Deep Analysis of Your Google Analytics Data, 2. But there are several other effective ways to find your preferred audience. However, you can learn a great deal by analyzing your competition as well as how and where they find their audience. As you navigate the identification process, these three steps will serve as your guide. Perfect Audience 101 Learn how to get started with your Perfect Audience account! Another best place to find your perfect prospect is by finding out... 3. Think about what that core offering is and ask yourself this: Who do I see finding the most value in it? Put together a list of relevant questions, and try to answer them on your website. , you can easily see what your competitors are doing. Building your awareness of your audience as a marketer is the key of digital marketing. Ask Yourself These Questions. It allows you to see where they get traffic, how often they post content, what tone they use, and much more. Ever wondered how to locate the perfect online audience for your music? Contact Pure Inbound today and see what we can do for your online ranking! Define Your App Genre. Take a look at online question-and-answer websites and analyze what the users are asking about. This is probably the most important step when you want to identify your target audience. Once you have those answers, you’ll know who you’re trying to reach, what they’re struggling with, and what their buying process looks like. Combine the Numbers and the Information You Found. You can see just how vast the Facebook market is, which makes it the perfect social media platform to identify your customers on. Learn your audience’s preferred device and activities. Every post had a laser focus on that one reader. Knowing and understanding your target market is the key to successful marketing. With tools like SimilarWeb, BuzzSumo, or SEMRush, you can easily see what your competitors are doing. If you can, find people who you are using your competitors products and talk to them. This is where you’ll dive into the demographics and psychographics of each company and decision maker. Would you like help creating high-performing content for your marketing strategies? Much of marketing is about tailoring a message for the right audience. This stage is not simply a “do it once and you’re done” type of thing. Either one of these things are great to know! Basically, we brainstormed themes that would make for the client’s target customer. Connect your HubSpot account and save time, advertise better, and get more customers. Here’s how to create your own superpower glasses (or your data-backed personas, but superpower classes sounds more fun): If you have an email list, existing customer base, or even just a Facebook page with decent engagement — try to look for as many common trends between them as possible. Now that you know what you’re offering, who would benefit from it, and what pains you’re solving for your customers — it’s time to start actually identifying who your audience is. This makes it essential that you focus on your benefits, not your features. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” — Bear Bryant. Considering the significance of each one of them can quickly escalate to a fierce duel of make or break decision. With the help of these tips, you can create an unbeatable marketing plan that leads to results. The key is to understand how many long the buying process will likely take and how many people are going to be involved. The trick here is that identifying a target audience in B2B can be a bit more difficult than it is in B2C. You need to be consistently asking your customers these questions. If you can start to understand where they go for answers, you can start investing in those places so the answers they’re seeing are from you. How many decision makers would be involved? Your goal as a marketer should be to find as many opinions, information, and customer questions as possible. You just need to insert a code on your website to get started. What you’ll want to do is find Facebook Groups in your niche, and identify potential customers there. When I first started blogging, I totally nailed this concept. Keep in mind when thinking about how to market to your target audience that today’s consumers don’t like to be “sold to.”. App marketing is not very different. (If it exists of course). Each social media platform has its own analytics tools you can access to measure what your followers are engaging with. Instead of just digging into what your one, ideal, individual customer is looking for — you need to think bigger. — Step 2: Create your target customer personas It gives you valuable information which can then be used to your advantage. This makes it essential that you focus on your benefits, not your features. You may be wondering what the secret is to zero in on those who will be most interested in what you have to offer them. Identify what it is that you do best (and what your customers love most). Map out your customer journey from the first touchpoint to a closed deal. You can see just how vast the Facebook market is, which makes it the perfect social media platform to identify your customers on. These B2B purchasing decisions tend to go a lot deeper and focus on what the business needs more so than just what the few people involved are needing. Get the strategies & techniques the fastest growing brands use daily. Identify what it is you do that no one else is doing near as well. Recognize the Target Audience that Would Benefit from Your Product/Service, 3. Review Quora to See What Questions are Being Asked, 4. As a result, this audience should be the focus of most (if not all) of your marketing efforts. They would certainly include their primary and secondary challenges and the solutions you can offer them. These are the people that will make up your target audience. . spanning a wide range of industries and interests. What are their biggest pain points? Find out what your audience’s interests are and … The instructor should be considered only one member of the paper's audience; he is part of the academic audience that desires students to investigate, research, and evaluate a topic. Fact - Great content will attract your audience, but there is no guarantee that it will be the best audience for your blog. Find out what books and magazines do they read. Find out what the advantages of your product or service are, and recognize who would benefit from your services. Follow these 3 primary steps and you’ll go from throwing darts blindfolded hoping something hits to targeting the perfect businesses that are most likely to convert, at the perfect time, with the perfect messages. , and in your marketing campaign as a whole. If you can do that, they love you. When it comes to B2C, the purchase decision-making process is usually much simpler. If you’re the solution they’ve been dreaming about, it’s a match made in heaven. Participate in Facebook Groups Within Your Niche, 5. Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple on the B2B side…. 10 Steps To Find Your Perfect Audience 1. Before you can … (The companies that aren’t exactly easy to reach on your own.). — Step 3: Research, research, and research some more. It starts long before you start sending tweets and LinkedIn posts left, right, and center. The needs of your customers are constantly evolving. What you’ll want to do is find Facebook Groups in your niche, and identify potential customers there. Experts say you should write for your target audience, preferably with one ideal reader in mind. Primarily, the platform is aimed towards a more professional approach and mainly caters to, Since we’re already hot on social media, let’s also mention. The best thing you can do is talk to the people you think you’re trying to serve. 1. Where are they spending time? offers plenty of groups where you can find your potential customers. As of 2019, Facebook had more than 2 billion active users, and that number is only going up. The challenge is finding the relevant forums for your business and industry. And since they’re focused on the big picture, you need to be too. An agency? It is a segment of the consumer market that is the most likely to be interested in your service or product. Your audience has pains — your job is to solve those pains.