This is generally contributed by hunger and poverty which is experienced in the country hence the poor suffer most (Mohajan, 2014). In October, deadly floods and Ensure that food security and nutrition are given priority at the national and county levels, recognising the vital role that county governments must play given Kenya’s devolved government structure. According to … Such steps will be increasingly vital for Kenya’s future given the large share of the population that is dependent on pastoralism and rain-fed agriculture and the vulnerability of these groups to climate change and drought. 2013; OPM and IDS 2012). It is impossible. The present estimates are 46.1 million people. In 2019, Action Against Hunger launched an early drought response to support livelihoods. HUNGER in Kenia und Uganda. From January to September 2019, drought increased food and nutrition insecurity, reduced water access, and increased child morbidity. On 21 April, WFP Chief David Beasley told the UN Security Council that 300,000 people could die every day over a long period – not from a virus, but from hunger. Flooding also poses a challenge: in the first half of 2018 alone, flooding displaced more than 300,000 people as well as damaging cropland and livestock (IDMC 2018; Relief Web 2018). No… Job prospects for 15,000 young people in five countries. A project is offering them hope. A school-feeding programme that tested the effect of different types of snacks given to children found that meat and milk snacks contributed the most to children’s arm muscle growth (Neumann et al. Hunger in parts of Kenya, especially amongst the pastoral tribes, will likely reach a crisis before September, as crops grown before the drought begins to run out. 8 of 2012 on the National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands (known as the ASAL Policy) established the policy framework for development in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), which face high levels of poverty, food insecurity, and undernutrition (IIED 2013). The background analysis by Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide examines the causes of hunger in Kenya and the strategies that can be used to fight it. These emergencies adversely impacted pasture and water availability, crop cultivation, livestock reproduction, agriculture, livelihoods, and food prices. Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA is a recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization by the IRS. Across the country, 4.2% of children are acutely malnourished and 26.2% are chronically malnourished. In 2014, Nairobi had the second-highest child mortality rate among Kenya’s regions (Table 1). Inadequate WASH facilities and practices are detrimental to human health and nutrition. Some 1.4 million Kenyans are currently facing hunger, according to a Food and Nutrition Security Assessment report. Although evidence on the impact of agricultural technologies on relevant outcomes is limited (Kabunga, Dubois, and Qaim 2014), some studies show promising results in Kenya. The number of undernourished people has dropped by almost half in the past two decades because of rapid economic growth and increased agricultural productivity. In Kenya, arid and semi-arid areas face immense challenges, including drought, hunger, malnutrition and poverty. fight against hunger and food scarceness in africa - un millennium goal narrowly missed In 2000, the 55th UN General Assembly, the Millennium Summit, took place in New York. It provided guidance on coordinating nutrition interventions carried out by the government and other nutrition stakeholders (GoK 2012). The Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS, 2010– 2020) states that the vision for the sector is “A Food Secure and Prosperous Nation.” Although nutrition is mentioned in the ASDS, it is not a primary focus (GoK 2010a). Nutrition education can help improve diet quality for children and adults in Kenya as well. Services and industry constitute 45 percent and 18 percent of GDP, respectively (World Bank 2018a). 2016). Desert locusts entered Kenya in December and quickly spread, posing a significant threat. 2010), and consumption of food produced by households themselves (Asfaw et al. More than 80 percent of Kenya is considered arid or semiarid land, and 95 percent of crops are rainfed, leaving farmers highly vulnerable to the effects of drought (REGLAP 2012; WFP 2018; Welborn 2018). The NGO GiveDirectly’s unconditional cash transfer programme in rural Kenya also increased households’ food security and food expenditures, particularly when the transfers were made monthly rather than in a lump sum (Haushofer and Shapiro 2016). This rapid population is not being matched by economic growth rates. Children are at severe risk of malnutrition and related diseases, while the farming industry is struggling to provide even a portion of the country’s necessary food supply. With most of Kenyan hungry people being subsistence or semi-subsistence farmers and depended on unreliable government fertilizer subsidies and inputs, they end up being trapped in a vicious cycle of hunger, disease and poverty. Lillian talks about her experiences in a male dominated industry. Participating households had better food security than households in the control group: they consumed more foods rich in micronutrients and protein, such as red meat, milk and dairy, and pulses (Bonilla et al. © 2021 Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA Our water, sanitation, and hygiene programs supported 48,677 people through distribution of hygiene kits, water treatment tablets, and home water treatment tools. More than 131,000 cases of acute watery diarrhea or cholera were reported in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya during 2017, according to the World Health Organization. 2014). Help us save lives, empower communities, and ensure more children Between 2008–2009 and 2014, the stunting rate dropped from 35.2 to 26.0 percent and the wasting rate fell from 7.0 to 4.0 percent (KNBS and ICF Macro 2010; KNBS et al. Yet the country’s rapid population growth led to a rise in the absolute number of people living in poverty from 2005 to 2015.1 And its poverty rate is less responsive economic growth than that in other com-parable countries, pointing to the need for more inclusive growth in the future (World Bank 2018b). A lowermiddle-income country, Kenya had a GDP per capita of $1,508 in 2017 in current US dollars, and between 2007 and 2017 its GDP per capita grew by an average of 2.4 percent a year (World Bank 2018a). Kenya hosts 500,000 refugees, mainly in camps in remote, food-insecure counties. 2015). Although these counties have high poverty rates (48 and 57 percent, respectively, based on national poverty lines), stunting in Kenya is not perfectly associated with poverty levels. In 2017, they made up 38 percent of total employment and 32 percent of the country’s GDP, and growth in the agricultural sector accounted for the largest share of poverty reduction (World Bank 2018b). Better Business Bureau accredited business, Crises Are Unfolding in Ethiopia and Other Countries. Learn more about the project! 2016). 2015). As Kenya attempts to further reduce child undernutrition and improve the situation in the counties with persistent challenges, it will be crucial to address infant and young child feeding practices. Give strong political and educational support to the production, distribution, and consumption of nutritious crops such as vitamin A–rich orange-fleshed sweet potatoes and ensure that lowerincome households have access to these products. every person has the right to be free from hunger and to have adequate food of acceptable quality Our health programs benefited 705,350 people, helping to improve maternal and child health in communities and at health facilities. Nairobi, KENYA February 14, 2019 Nairobi, KENYA February 14, 2019 The Government has officially launched a Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) study in Kenya as part of continental initiative to estimate economic and social impact of child undernutrition. Privacy Policy | Tenders These should be finalised and implemented to ensure that food and nutrition security is prioritised in Kenya. LEBENSRETTENDE VERSORGUNG FÜR UNSCHULDIGE WAISEN . One of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s “Big Four” priorities is to achieve food and nutrition security by 2022, in part by raising agricultural productivity and targeting small-scale farmers with new technologies (GoK 2018). The settlement has limited public space. These counties are arid or semi-arid, are dominated by pastoralism, and have high rates of poverty (Krätli and Swift 2014; KNBS and SID 2013). Kibera, an informal settlement located in the heart of Nairobi, is estimated to have a density of about 90,000–100,000 inhabitants per km 2. This is generally contributed by hunger and poverty which is experienced in the country hence the poor suffer most (Mohajan, 2014). Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme, another unconditional cash transfer programme, boosted beneficiaries’ food consumption relative to controls and increased dietary diversity for poorer households in the project (Merttens et al. Hunger in Kenya is a severe issue that has cost the lives and livelihoods of millions of individuals and families. Small-scale vegetable farmers who sold produce to supermarkets consumed more calories and micronutrients than other farmers, owing to increased income and higher vegetable production and consumption (Chege, Andersson, and Qaim 2015). A study from urban settlements of Nairobi finds that maternal education strongly predicts children’s nutritional status, even when controlling for other socioeconomic and demographic factors (Abuya, Ciera, and Kimani-Murage 2012). A study from rural Kenya showed a positive correlation between maternal nutrition and children’s nutritional status in terms of anthropometric measures (Gewa, Ottugu, and Yandell 2012). 2015). Working at community, county, and national levels, we strengthen existing systems, and increases access to lifesaving malnutrition treatment. The Toothpick Project has created a biological solution to the Striga weed infecting crops in Kenya. Agriculture is considered to have considerable potential to increase household food security and nutrition. No rains so no harvesting. Our teams work to address the drivers of malnutrition, including poor care and feeding practices for young children. The National Nutrition Action Plan, 2012–2017, was designed to operationalise the strategies outlined in the Food and Nutrition Security Policy. Continue to promote education for women and girls, particularly in areas dominated by pastoralism, which are characterised by low female education rates and high child wasting rates. In the 2020 Global Hunger Index, Kenya ranks 84th out of the 107 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2020 GHI scores. Agriculture, fisheries, and forestry are a vital part of Kenya’s economy. After the floods hit, we provided health services, including screening and treatment of malnutrition, distribution of hygiene kits, basic goods, and home water treatments, and restoration of critical water infrastructure. Renowned for its diverse wildlife and savanna landscapes, the east African country of Kenya is a beloved holiday destination. Kenya is also home to a number of cash transfer programmes – increasingly common in developing countries – that show evidence of positive impacts on food security. ≤ 9.9. As an agricultural based economy, the arable land available is under pressure and many of the younger people are forced to move to the cities. When you pay a visit to some of families affected by hunger in Kenya and look at the state of children and their need to have food, you are heartbroken and shaken. Hunger and Food Insecurity Plague the Lives of Millions in Africa Format News and Press Release Source. ► Sign up to save lives in Kenya and around the world. The highest stunting rates are in Kitui County at 45.8 percent and West Pokot County at 45.9 percent (KNBS et al. Goal 2: Zero hunger. In Kenya, arid and semi-arid areas face immense challenges, including drought, hunger, malnutrition and poverty. 2015).3, Rates vary substantially between regions and counties, however, with some still having values significantly higher than the national averages. Now expired, the plan is currently being revised. The unconditional cash transfer programme Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) increased households’ food expenditures, dietary diversity (Ward et al. How to explain this contradiction? A project promoting soil fertility management techniques increased crop yields and food security for participants, as measured by an increase in the number of months that food stayed in storage, relative to a control group (Wanyama et al. By benkiprop ¶ Posted in INSIGHT ¶ Tagged ASALs, EAC, hunger, Hunger in Kenya, Hunger situation Kenya, Kenya ¶ Leave a comment. Kenya launches Cost of Hunger study to address food security. Women’s education and child nutrition have been shown to be positively linked. More than 1.4 million Kenyans are at risk of hunger, starvation and potentially face acute food insecurity, a government official warned Thursday. Kenya’s 2018 GHI score is 23.2, on the low end of the serious category. A pilot project in western Kenya found that providing nutrition education to fathers and grandmothers on proper complementary feeding practices for young children raised social support for mothers and improved some types of child feeding practices (Mukuria et al. Stunting reduced from 35.3 per cent in 2008-09 to 26 per cent (1.8 million) in 2014. Sie erhalten dort medizinische Versorgung, sowie seelische Betreuung, damit die … According to the World Bank, Kenya’s population is growing at 1 million per annum. Action Against Hunger and the Kenyan Ministry of Health are supporting families with malnourished children across the county, as well as addressing some of the difficulties they face in accessing treatment. “Well below average March to May long rains in the southeastern and coastal marginal lowlands are likely to lead to a below average maize harvest,” reads a report by Famine Early Warning Systems Network. With a score of 23.7, Kenya has a level of hunger that is serious [ See overview of GHI calculation ]. For pastoralist households in Kenya, animal ownership is associated with household milk consumption, and as livestock holdings decrease, so does milk consumption. Roughly a quarter of Kenyan households engage in small-scale dairy activities. On September 9, 2000, the 189 UN member states adopted a declaration with the UN Millennium Development Goals that the proportion of malnourished people should be halved by 2015. 23.7. Sessional Paper No. 2015).4. With a poverty rate below the average for Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya is making headway on reducing the share of its population living in poverty. The Breast Milk Substitute Act of 2012, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, and the Baby Friendly Community Initiative promote breastfeeding in Kenya (SUN 2012; APHRC 2014). France | UK | Spain | Canada, People Reached by Nutrition and Health Programs, People Reached by Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programs, People Reached by Food Security and Livelihoods Programs. 2006). Moreover, child mortality declined much more slowly in urban than in rural areas of Kenya between 1993 and 2008, perhaps because of the deplorable living conditions in urban settlements (KimaniMurage et al. Waisenkinder in Kenia und Uganda haben keine Familie und kein Zuhause. The 2016 Climate Change Act, the Kenya National Adaptation Plan 2015–2030, and the Ending Drought Emergencies initiative include strategies to adapt to climate change, support sustainable livelihoods in drought-prone areas, and build resilience (WFP 2018). 2010). Strengthen support for improvements in the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) environment in Kenya, including implementation of the Kenya Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Policy, 2016–2030. 2013). In addition, urban populations are subject to illness and disease and may lack adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WFP 2010; Concern Worldwide 2017). 2015). Drought in Kenya’s Northwest has left hundreds of thousands of people on the brink of starvation. Jeff Simmons reflects on his trip to one of the world's largest slums in Kibera, Kenya. Health Care System of Kenya Generally, in Kenya, better healthcare, and technical medical instruments are only available in the national health care institutions and some of the private medical sectors. The country’s farmers, however, face a major challenge stemming from rapid population growth, which puts downward pressure on the average size of land parcels available to each farmer (FAO 2018b). MI-Kenya is supported by USAID, among other donors. The Maasai in southern Kenya are rising to meet this challenge. 2018). 2001). The Nutrition Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee – a network of government ministries (Health, Education, Agriculture, Planning, and Labour), United Nations agencies, civil society, academic and research institutions, the private sector, and multilateral and bilateral donors – provides coordination on nutrition-specific activities (Samburu, Voleje, and Gitau 2015). This increase coincides with the 2016–2017 drought that plagued Kenya and neighbouring countries, sparking drops in agricultural production and increases in food prices (FEWS NET 2017a, 2017b). 2015; KNBS and ICF Macro 2010). West Pokot, at the edge of the Rift Valley in Kenya, is a vast county where luscious green mountains meet scorched savanna. In 2015 Kenya had an estimated poverty rate of 36.8 percent, down from 43.7 percent in 2005 (World Bank 2018a). The situation is expected to … Bibliography: References are available here. Many women in the region of Turkana have been left without support and are completely on their own. Indeed, children’s nutritional status is also associated with mothers’ education and literacy rates (Ruel, Alderman, and Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group 2013), both globally and in Kenya specifically. A programme in western Kenya promoting the production of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, which are high in vitamin A, led to increased consumption of vitamin A–rich foods when combined with nutrition education and counseling (Hagenimana et al. Aggressive and comprehensive government or international intervention to shore up farmers and expand their capacity … At least 1.4 million people are facing acute hunger in Kenya, double the number reported in 2020, a report by the government and the United Nations has warned. Meanwhile just 22 percent of children between 6 and 23 months of age receive a minimum acceptable diet5 (KNBS et al. Rather, it is influenced by a complex set of factors, such as dietary diversity, feeding and caregiving practices, access to adequate sanitation, and disease (KNBS 2018; Eberwein et al. The cattle herds, the primary source of both food and income, are dying from thirst, and the … Hunger – which can be a short-term physical discomfort or a life-threatening situation – is a possible outcome of food insecurity. Zur Hauptnavigation springen Zur Suche springen Zum Seiteninhalt springen Zum Footer springen. Kenya. 2015). India produces large grain surpluses. 2014). This increases social interaction. Action Against Hunger has been operational in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya for more than 15 years implementing health and nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene, food security, and livelihoods programs in Makueni, Mwingi Mandera, Tana River, and Garissa Counties, including refugee programs in Dadaab Refugee Camps, West Pokot, Isiolo, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, and Busia Counties. In 2014, Action Against Hunger's team in Kenya strengthened its approach to addressing health problems in the country, integrating nutrition, water, and food security and livelihoods programs in its areas of operation. At the national level, there has been a decline in each of the GHI indicators since 2000 (Figure 2). Consumption of animal-source foods by Kenyan schoolchildren has also been shown to be positively associated with height and weight gains (Grillenberger et al. Food security and nutrition decisions should be guided by the data that exist at the county level (see KNBS et al. Urban settlements, rural areas, and informal settlements face the lowest levels of improved sanitation, compared with planned urban areas (GoK 2016). Kenya has the lowest 2018 GHI score of any country in East Africa, with the exception of the small-island nation of Mauritius, the only upper-middle-income country in the region. Our teams also trained animal health experts and assistants to build early warning and response capacity and to protect livelihoods. Yet, the World Hunger Index lists its hunger problem as "serious". Goal 2: Zero hunger. 2016). Just three years ago, Sevu and his family were barely surviving as subsistence farmers in Kenya. Conflict, hunger, poverty, and displacement create a climate in which children are at risk of violence and exploitation. The Cost of Hunger in Africa study estimates the social and economic impacts of child undernutrition and provides evidence supporting investments in human capital for sustainable development in African countries. You cannot tell a child to vivify an action when that child is hungry and in dire need of just a simple meal or water. Mobile money operators have estimated Nairobi has a growing population of 4.2 million which is double the population 15 years ago. Smallholder dairying and pastoralism play an important role in Kenya, with significant implications for nutrition.