Die Uraufführung erfolgte am 14.Dezember 1965 im Mathäser-Filmpalast, München.Der englische Schauspieler Stewart Granger hatte mit diesem Film seinen dritten und letzten Einsatz in einem Karl-May-Film.Die Romanvorlage blieb bei dieser Verfilmung erneut auf der Strecke. The brother of Old Surehand was murdered by him. You are VERY wrong...Old Surehand is NOT a character based on Old Shatterhand, is ANOTHER character from May's books, in fact he was OLD SHATTERHAND'S FRIEND. Nach Überwindung vieler Gefahren lichtet sich nun das Dunkel um Old Surehands Vergangenheit. 3:50. The motion picture produced by Rialto Productions is convincingly directed by Alfred Vohrer who directed various Karl May titles , besides he was a German thriller expert called Krimi ( Edward Wallace adaptation ) . Winnetou und Old Shatterhand im Tal der Toten (Winnetou and Old Shatterhand in the Valley of the Dead, 1968). Old Surehand (German: Old Surehand 1. Ich habe mir inzwischen by der Karl May Gesellshaft alle Karl May Werke runtergeladen. Old Surehand is a 1965 film starring Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice, Larry Pennell. 1965. Die vorliegend… Karl May - Winnetou und sein Freund Old Firehand - Trailer (Deutsch) Moviepilot. The film is based on … Old Surehand - 1965 Old Surehand (German Video Cover) Old Surehand can count on the support of his friend and blood brother Winnetou, the amiable chief of the Apaches. Home; Movies from A-Z; People; Videos; Images; Topics; News; Industry; Archive Holdings; Breadcrumb. AKA: Flaming Frontier, Вiрна рука, Italy (Surehand (Mano veloce)), Old Surehand I. Teil. January 1 LANGUAGE. Once again, the peace between Native Americans and settlers is in danger: A gang led by a man named "General" is instigating turmoil and conflict. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1970 Vinyl release of Old Surehand 2 on Discogs. Home; Movies; Old Surehand; Share page . Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname ‘The General’. Teil (1965) R2 German Cover, Die Pyramide des Sonnengottes (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover, Der Schatz der Azteken (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover, Neues vom Hexer (1965) R2 German DVD Cover, Greenland (2020) R1 Custom DVD Cover & Label, Tenet (2020) R0 Custom DVD Covers & label, The Mandalorian – season 2 (2020) R0 Custom DVD Cover & Labels, Unhinged (2020) R1 Custom DVD Cover & Label, Honest Thief (2020) R0 Custom DVD Cover & Label, JUDITH KRANTZ’S DAZZLE (2003) R1 DVD COVER & LABELS, A BUG’S LIFE (1998) R1 DVD COVER & LABELS, Battlefield 2 (2005) CZ PC DVD Cover & Label. Old Surehand Rollins' gang wants to grab land by inciting the settlers in a war against the Indians but Winnetou and Old Shatterhand try to keep the peace, until Rollins frames Winnetou up for the murder of Jicarilla Chief's son. 480. Each gallery might contain multiple covers, with a free account you can only download first cover from the gallery at a lower resolution, to be able to see all the images in this gallery & open high res covers please get VIP Membership Account. Old Shatterhand is a fictional character in Western novels by German writer Karl May (1842–1912). The brother of Old Surehand was murdered by him. Outlaws disguised as Indians commit crimes against settlers but Winnetou and Old Surehand are determined to unmask the bandits and keep the peace between settlers and Indians. Stewart Granger had played the same role before in Der Ölprinz" and Unter Geiern", though, and his portrait of a tricky, tongue-in-cheek westerner was loved by many fans, though others argued his Old Surehand was … He is the main character in the Eurowestern by the same name from 1964, starring Lex Barker. "Old Surehand" is a co-production between West Germany and Yugoslavia and this resulted into a German-language movie from 1965, which means it had its 50th anniversary last year. 26. He is the main character in the Eurowestern by the same name from 1964, starring Lex Barker. None for sale yetYou can place this item in your search list.You will be notified immediately when it is offered for sale. It made $1,587,777 in Spain. ; Many of the later films were co-produced in Italy and co-starred Italian actors. Old Surehand II – Karl May Band 15 Der zweite Band halt bei weitem nicht, was der Erste so verheißungsvoll aufgebaut hatte. 28 of 30 people found this review helpful. Teil, also known as Flaming Frontier) is a 1965 West German Western film starring Stewart Granger. Old Shatterhand, Winnetou and their sidekick Castlepool try to prevent this. Each gallery might contain multiple covers, with a free account you can only download first cover from the gallery at a lower resolution, to be able to see all the images in this gallery & open high res covers please get VIP Membership Account. Old Surehand (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover, Der Ölprinz (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover, Winnetou - 3. Old Surehand (German: Old Surehand 1. Info. Band 2 der Surehand-Trilogie. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "Old Surehand" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. The brother of Old Surehand was murdered by him. (aus … SIZE. 4.4 out of 5 stars. Porter Zed. His brother has been killed, and the heroic duo sets … It was also the first Karl May movie that was not awarded a Goldene Leinwand for attracting more than 3 million people to theatres in Germany within 12 months. Karl May - Old Surehand - Trailer (Deutsch) Moviepilot. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Winnetou and his friend Old Surehand come to the rescue, and assisted by Old Surehand's friend Old Wabble, they have to stop the fiendish General, save a young couple and restore peace on the prairie. Robert. Winnetou-I. Terminator – Dark Fate (2019) R2 Custom german Blu-Ray Cover ... Scorpion Staffel 2 (2016) R2 German Custom Cover & labels, The Shield – Season 3 (2004) R1 Custom Cover & labels. Man kann sie dort in verschiedenen Formaten bekommen. 2.8. --GENRE. 2014 Winnetou, the Chief of the … Dazu kommt das veraltete Deutsch und deren schreibweise. Karl-May-Spiele - Winnetou und Old Firehand 2008 - Ribanna. Old Surehand I - III []. With the help of Old Wabble, the “King of the Cowboys”, Old Shatterhand wants to free the mysterious westerner Old Surehand from the hands of hostile Indians. Band zu Old Surehand, und der 15. This enjoyable saga benefits from sensational adventures , shootouts , larger-than-life characters and spectacular scenarios shot in Yugoslavia . 1:01. German; Main navigation. ; Jadran Film. Zálesák Old Shatterhand (přibližná výslovnost [ould šetrhend]) je společně se svým přítelem a pokrevním bratrem, indiánským náčelníkem Vinnetouem, nejznámější literární postavou, kterou vytvořil německý spisovatel Karel May.Jméno v překladu znamená „Drtící ruka“ a počáteční „Old“ je přidáno, protože to May považoval za typicky americké a navíc symbolizující, že hrdina je zkušený, protřelý či zasloužilý. Yet movie no.1 was not followed by any sequel. Chemistry between them is quite match , Stewart Granger scores especially high marks , he plays with mirth and liking manner . On the way Old Surehand and Old Wabble are involved in the running conflict between settlers and Comanches who are likely to go on the war path. Porter Zed. 3:50. Old Surehand (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover Written by Mutti. Old Surehand I) ist eine Reiseerzählung von Karl May. Old Surehand (German: Old Surehand 1. Und ist als Textfassung von 1964 (Erstausgabe 1894) in der der deutschen Sprache im Bertelsmann Lesering als Hardcover unter der ISBN 978-3-7802-0014-3 für 19,90 € in Deutschland oder 19,90 € … Böttcher (on foreign records and articles often written "Bottcher" or "Boettcher", the latter being the correct transliteration of the German umlaut "ö") began taking piano lessons at an early age. En bon état - band 15 old surehand 2 - 1706 tausend. The film displays a colorful cinematography and a catching musical score by usual series , Martin Bottcher . Your email address will not be published. Collection / … The General was guilty of killing Surehand’s brother. » Fehlende Übersetzung melden: Teilweise Übereinstimmung: F lit. 2011 Sämtliche Werke von Karl May. Author: Robert Karl Friedrich May (1842-1912) Original title: Old Surehand; Original language: German; Genre: Adventure novel; Publication year: 1894-1897; Public: Adults, teenagers; Old Surehand: Share this: Twitter; Facebook; WhatsApp; More; Adults, Adventures, … Karl May: OLD SUREHAND in 3 Bänden - in German. No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. Title: TheoBrink Fun. The General was guilty of killing Surehand’s brother. Karl May: "Winnetou und sein Freund Old Firehand" - Trailer (1966) Filmow. This FAQ is empty. He is the German friend and blood brother of Winnetou, the fictional chief of the Mescalero tribe of the Apache. Seller Inventory # 201415212 More information about this seller | Contact this seller 17. Später gesellt sich Winnetou zu ihnen. Nach Überwindung vieler Gefahren lichtet sich nun das Dunkel … The two get involved in a running conflict between settlers and Comanches who are likely to go on the war path. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats [T. S. Eliot] Old Possums Katzenbuch: sports Old Trafford [The Theatre of Dreams (nickname)] Old Trafford {n} [Fußballstadion in England, Heimstadion von … Karl May schrieb diesen ersten Teil der Trilogie in der Zeit von Juni bis Dezember 1894 explizit für die Buchausgabe seiner Werke. Teil (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover, Die Pyramide des Sonnengottes (1965) R2 German Cover, Der Schatz der Azteken (1965) R2 German Cover, Winnetou - 3. Old Surehand (original German title Old Surehand 1.Teil, alternative English title Flaming Frontier) is a 1965 Eurowestern directed by Alfred Vohrer.It is the eighth movie in Winnetou film series, based on the novels by Karl May. [Alfred Vohrer; Horst Wendlandt; Fred Denger; Karl May; Stewart Granger; Pierre Brice; Leticia Román; Rialto Film Preben Philipsen. Related video shorts (0) Upload your video. On the way Old Surehand and Old Wabble are involved in the running conflict between settlers and Comanches who are likely to go on the war path. Er kam als Kleinkind in die Obhut von Wallace, der damals als Gefängnisschließer die Flucht Ikwehtsi'pas ermöglichte, nachdem dieser mit Tehua Bender (Kolma Puschi) und deren Mann durch Daniel Etters und Lothaire Thibaut zu Unrecht ins Zuchthaus gekommen war. Teil (first part) in the original German title, Old Surehand was the third movie to feature British actor Stewart Granger as Old Surehand. Change item Copy item Add picture Suggest catalogue value Link to another category History Be the first video Your name here. It is the eighth movie in Winnetou film series, based on the novels by Karl May. —Preceding unsigned comment added by 14:14, 22 February 2008 (UTC) Where it was made Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. Winnetou III was a German/Yugoslav coproduction, originally titled "Winnetou 3". Old Surehand and Old Wabble are trailing a killer, but on the way they also intervene in a … Each gallery might contain multiple covers, with a free account you can only download first cover from the gallery at a lower resolution, to be able to see all the images in this gallery & open high res covers please get VIP Membership Account, Your email address will not be published. Winnetou later joins them. This is a highly entertaining film based on Karl May trilogy novels , it starts with Old Surehand ( Stewart Granger ) in an exciting opening sequence when he rides onto the screen and soon rescues to train passengers attacked by bandits . Catalogue; Marketplace; Community; Comic books; Stamps; Coins; Books; Music; Film; Postcards; Trading cards; Cigar bands; Model cars; Tea bags; Home; Catalogue; Miscellaneous; Manufacturers / Publishers; GAF View-Master; Winnetou & Old Surehand ; Winnetou & Old Surehand. Don't have a Kindle? It was shot at the Spandau Studios and on location in Yugoslavia, including around Rijeka on the Adriatic. Winnetou und Old Shatterhand - Karl May Filme. LENGTH. Apache Chief Winnetou and scout Old Surehand team-up to assist a wagon-train of settlers who are threatened by the machinations of an unscrupulous crook known as the Oil Prince. Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. Required fields are marked *. 1063 × 722 Cover Category: German DVD Cover Deutsch. Old Surehand I [Band 14] (orig. Fortsetzung in Band 15 "Old Surehand II". Old Shatterhand is a fictional character in Western novels by German writer Karl May (1842–1912). Teil aller Bücher Karl Mays. 2013 Winnetou, the Chief of the Apache, Part I, Enters Old Shatterhand. Old Surehand. Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $0.00 — — Perfect Paperback "Please retry" $5.98 — $5.98: Kindle $0.00 Read with Our Free App Perfect Paperback Share Tweet Pin it Email WhatsApp. They turned the frontier into a river of blood overflowing with the West's most dangerous passions.. Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. The film is based on a novel by Karl May. 0:23 [PDF] Die Abenteuer von … 1949. Old Surehand subtitles. Winnetou (Pierre Brice) comes even into suspicion the son of the Jicarillo chieftain to have murdered. Old … Bamberg, cartonnage de l'éditeur; in-12, 534 pp. Karl Friedrich May (/ m aɪ / MY; German: [kaʁl maɪ̯] (); 25 February 1842 – 30 March 1912) was a German author.He is best known for his travel novels set on one hand in the American Old West with Winnetou and Old Shatterhand as main protagonists and on the other hand in the Orient and Middle East with Kara Ben Nemsi and Hadschi Halef Omar.May also wrote novels set in Latin America and Germany, poetry, … 3:50. More Books by Karl May See All. He is the German friend and blood brother of Winnetou, the fictional chief of the Mescalero tribe of the Apache. Old Surehand (German) Audio CD 4.4 out of 5 stars 67 ratings. Get this from a library! Written by ;] -- This colorful western saga finds Old Surehand and his comical sidekick Old Wabble hot on the trail of a cold-blooded murderer. Aber dennoch is es lesbar. Old Surehand 2 (German Edition)Die Kindle Edition ist voll mit Fehlern. On the way Old … Band 2 der Surehand-Trilogie. The country is divided by the struggle against the French occupation and emperor Maximilian. Old Surehand I was written by Karl May a year after the publication of Winneotu I (1893). According to Karl May's story, first-person narrator Old Shatterhand encounters the Apache Winnetou, … Im "Llano Estacado" kommt es dann zu einer schicksalhaften Begegnung. Karl May: OLD SUREHAND in 3 Bänden - in German. Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook; Print page; Send page; Old Surehand BR Deutschland 1965 Spielfilm Quelle: DIF. Publication date 1949 Publisher Wien : Tosa Verlag Collection ... Kahle/Austin Foundation Contributor Internet Archive Language German. Karl Friedrich May (also Karol May) was one of the best selling German writers of all time, noted mainly for books set in the American Old West, (best known for the characters of Winnetou and Old Shatterhand) and similar books set in the Orient and Middle East. Forester, a ruthless oil baron, wants to create a war between the native American tribes and the white men. In addition, he wrote stories set in his native Germany, in China and in South America. Learn how your comment data is processed. (1965). Get this from a library! His predecessor was the serious Lex Barker who starred a diverse character but the roles are pretty similar , he played the most part of series : ¨Apache gold(1963)¨ by Harald Reinl, ¨Apaches last Battle(1964)¨ by Hugo Fregonese, ¨Last of renegades(1964)¨, ¨The desperate trail¨, ¨Old Shatterland(1966)¨ by Harald Philipp, ¨In the valley of death(1968)¨ by Harald Reinl , besides Rod Cameron starred only one : ¨Old Firehand¨ directed by Alfred Vohrer. With Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice, Larry Pennell, Letícia Román. Customer reviews. After that , the outlaws killing American buffalo for originating a war against white-men . Später gesellt sich Winnetou zu ihnen. The mystery surrounding his identity is going to be revealed in the following volumes, Old Surehand II and Old Surehand III. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Karl May: "Winnetou und sein Freund Old Firehand" - Trailer (1966) Filmow. Sureland set on pursuit of his killer's brother and attempts to pacify the Indians . Of course , he encounters his Indian-brother Winnetou ( Pierre Brice ) at an emotional meeting . Nach Überwindung vieler Gefahren lichtet sich nun das Dunkel um Old Surehands Vergangenheit. Old Surehand (1965) R2 German Cover Cover by Mutti. In addition, he wrote stories set in his native Germany, in China and in South America. The clues lead a gunrunner named the General ( Larry Pennell ).This is an agreeable episode about one of the series of popular German made Western , featuring the duo formed by valiant ¨Old Surehand¨ and immortal ¨Winnetou¨ , they repeat their same noted roles as dignified as always . Share Tweet Pin it Email WhatsApp. Each gallery might contain multiple covers, with a free account you can only download first cover from the gallery at a lower resolution, to be able to see all the images in this gallery & open high res covers please get VIP Membership Account. Inhaltsangabe: Nach Überwindung vieler Gefahren lichtet sich nun das Dunkel um Old Surehands Vergangenheit. Karl May - Old Surehand - Trailer (Deutsch) Moviepilot. The brother of Old Surehand was murdered by him. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Start reading Old Surehand 1 (German Edition) on your Kindle in under a minute. Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. They set off to track down the gang responsible for the horrendous act. Der "General" und seine Bande, eine Horde skrupelloser Eisenbahnräuber, reiten mordend durchs Indianergebiet. Old Surehand II ist der 2. [Alfred Vohrer; Horst Wendlandt; Fred Denger; Karl May; Stewart Granger; Pierre Brice; Leticia Román; Rialto Film Preben Philipsen. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Add to my search list Use the HTML below. Old Surehand (Stewart Granger) sneaks up on pal Wabble (Milan Srdoc) and handsome Annie (Elke Sommer) in an early scene from the German-financed Yugoslav … You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. DE. Each gallery might contain multiple covers, with a free account you can only download first cover from the gallery at a lower resolution, to be able to see all the images in this gallery & open high res covers please get VIP Membership Account. Er wurde in der Reihe Karl May's Gesammelte Reiseromane vom Friedrich Ernst Fehsenfeld als Band Nummer 14 erstmals veröffentlicht.. 1909 erschien eine illustrierte Ausgabe mit Bildern von Claus Bergen Taina lui Old Surehand [eBook] ... prozatorul german Karl May este considerat un clasic al acestui gen, publicând circa 70 de cărţi, traduse în peste 30 de limbi. An army gold shipment and its escort vanish in the Ozarks, prompting accusations of theft and desertion but frontiersman Old Shatterhand and Apache chief Winnetou help solve the mystery of the missing army gold. 6:14. Fiction & Literature. 6:14. 1:01. Renegades trying to get the army to abandon their fort get the Indians addicted to whiskey, then convince them to attack and drive out the soldiers. Martin Böttcher (Berlin, Germany, 17 June 1927 – 19 April 2019) was a German composer, arranger and conductor. Share Tweet Pin it Email WhatsApp. Directed by Alfred Vohrer. Manufacturer / publisher. The two get involved in a running conflict between settlers and Comanches who are likely to go on the war path. German. 3139 by 1745 pixels Cover Category: German Blu-Ray … Once again, the peace between Native Americans and … Die Originalaussgabe von Karl May ist von 1896 und umfasst 512 Seiten. The dark roll in (Rik Battaglia) provides with its plots for military conflicts between white ones and Indians. ; Kinowelt Home Entertainment GmbH. ;] -- This colorful western saga finds Old Surehand and his comical sidekick Old Wabble hot on the trail of a cold-blooded murderer. The character made his debut in the novel Old Firehand (1875). Im "Llano Estacado" kommt es dann zu einer schicksalhaften Begegnung. Old Surehand by May, Karl Friedrich, 1842-1912. View production, box office, & company info. Old Surehand (1965) R2 German Cover Cover by Mutti. They turned the frontier into a river of blood overflowing with the West's most dangerous passions.. Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. Nederlands English Français Deutsch. Beschreibung: Mit der Hilfe von Old Wabble, dem "König der Cowboys", will Old Shatterhand den geheimnisvollen Westmann Old Surehand aus den Händen feindlicher Indianer befreien. BB 443-4-D. There's an emotional love story between them , and they are taken prisoners by Indians . Später gesellt sich Winnetou zu ihnen. Winnetou is a fictional Native American hero of several novels written in German by Karl May (1842–1912), one of the best-selling German writers of all time with about 200 million copies worldwide, including the Winnetou-trilogy. Bamberg, cartonnage de l'éditeur; in-12, 534 pp. En bon état - band 15 old surehand 2 - 1706 tausend. ; Jadran Film. Beschreibung: Mit der Hilfe von Old Wabble, dem "König der Cowboys", will Old Shatterhand den geheimnisvollen Westmann Old Surehand aus den Händen feindlicher Indianer befreien. Old Surehand subtitles. Old Surehand (German: Old Surehand 1. Old Surehand (original German title Old Surehand 1.Teil, alternative English title Flaming Frontier) is a 1965 Eurowestern directed by Alfred Vohrer. Add the first question. Karl-May-Verlag. Taina lui Old Surehand [eBook] Colecția Karl May Vol. GAF View-Master. The German doctor Karl Sternau and his friend Andreas Hasenpfeffer come to love ... See full summary », Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. Stewart Granger took the role in two occasions ( ¨Among vultures¨ and this one ) and Pierre Brice starred all the series and he went on filming television episodes . Catalogue information. ; Kinowelt Home Entertainment GmbH. Wörterbuch Englisch ↔ Deutsch: Old Surehand: Übersetzung 1 - 50 von 1417 >> Englisch: Deutsch: Keine komplette Übereinstimmung gefunden. Old Surehand 1. Mit der Hilfe von Old Wabble, dem "König der Cowboys", will Old Shatterhand den geheimnisvollen Westmann Old Surehand aus den Händen feindlicher Indianer befreien. Old Surehand. SELLER. Firehand and his Apache friend Winnetou are determined to get justice for the murder of four young braves. Not yet in a search list. Old Shatterhand und Winnetou ziehen mit ihren Begleitern, unter ihnen die "Verkehrten Toasts" Dick Hammerdull und Pitt Holbers, hinauf ins Felsengebirge, wo alle Fäden zusammenlaufen. Im "Llano Estacado" kommt es dann zu einer schicksalhaften Begegnung. Old Surehand I ist der erste Band der Surehand-Trilogie. Old Shatterhand is a fictional character in Western novels by German writer Karl May (1842–1912). In their first cinematic adventure, Apache chief Winnetou and mountain man Old Shatterhand pursue a gang of murderous outlaws who will stop at nothing to find the legendary treasure of Silver Lake. Meanwhile , Old Sureland befriends an old man ad his nephew ( Letitia Milan who played the first Mario Bava's Giallo: ¨Girl who knew too much¨ ) and his fiancé , a judge assistant ( Terence Hill or Mario Girotti, previous his successful Trinity ). Leave … MB. Winnetou und Old Shatterhand - Karl May Filme. Old Surehand, Band 2. When a villain named "the Shoot" terrorizes the constituents of Albanian country, which he rules. When violent conflict breaks out between greedy railroaders and a tribe of Mescalero Apaches, only two men, destined to be blood brothers, can prevent all-out war: chief's son Winnetou and German engineer Old Shatterhand. Granger and Brice, who had never liked each other, were on the worst imaginable terms by now and Granger felt so … Old Surehand (1965) R2 German Blu-Ray Cover Written by Mutti. Take a look at the film and television career of Alexander Skarsgård. Bookwire GmbH. Stories. Number. From film school reject to Hollywood legend, take a look at Steven Spielberg's career so far and explore what lies ahead. 4.4 out of 5. Share Tweet Pin it Email WhatsApp. Old Shatterhand und Winnetou ziehen mit ihren Begleitern, unter ihnen die "Verkehrten Toasts" Dick Hammerdull und Pitt Holbers, hinauf ins Felsengebirge, wo alle Fäden z… The brother of Old Surehand was murdered by him. Heroic Kara Ben Nemsi (Lex Barker), and his sidekick are the only ones who can stop him, Mexico, 1864. Karl May - Winnetou und sein Freund Old Firehand - Trailer (Deutsch) Moviepilot. Director: Alfred Vohrer - Cast: Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice, Terence Hill, Larry Pennell, Paddy Fox, Vladimir Medar, Letícia Román, Jelena Jovanovic, Wolfgang Lukschy, Dusan Janicijevic Despite the addition 1.Teil (first part) in the original German title, Old Surehand was the third movie to feature British actor Stewart Granger as Old Surehand. On her b-day, settler's daughter Apanatschi receives her father's secret gold mine but greedy neighboring prospectors resort to murder and kidnapping in order to get the gold, forcing the girl and her brother to seek Winnetou's protection. Karl May. Teil ist ein Kinofilm frei nach Motiven des Buches von Karl May aus dem Jahr 1965. Year. The movie was originally entitled Old Surehand I", because famous German novelist Karl May wrote a trilogy around the Old Surehand character. On the way Old Surehand and Old Wabble are involved in the running conflict between settlers and Comanches who are likely to go on the war path. Old Surehand I) ist eine Reiseerzählung von Karl May. Und ist als Textfassung von 1964 (Erstausgabe 1894) in der der deutschen Sprache im Bertelsmann Lesering als Hardcover unter der ISBN 978-3-7802-0014-3 für 19,90 € in Deutschland oder 19,90 € in Österreich erschienen. Pages PUBLISHER. Old Surehand and Old Wabble are trailing a killer, but on the way they also intervene in a dispute between the Comanche and the settlers. AKA: Flaming Frontier, Вiрна рука, Italy (Surehand (Mano veloce)), Old Surehand I. Teil. Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname ‘The General’.