For background reading, see: LNB News 28/12/2020 12. For this purpose, the company may be granted an adjustment period of up to three years. While it will by no means match the level of economic integration that existed while the UK was an EU Member State, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement goes beyond traditional free trade agreements and provides a solid basis for preserving our longstanding friendship and cooperation. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the Agreement) came into effect on 1 January 2021 after several difficult months of negotiations. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, claimed … Binding enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms will ensure that rights of businesses, consumers and individuals are respected. On 24 December 2020, the UK and EU finally agreed a deal – now formally named the Trade and Cooperation Agreement – to govern significant aspects of the trade relationship between the UK and EU from 1 January 2021 onwards. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Implications for Life Sciences Companies . Even with the new EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement in place, there will be big changes on 1 January 2021. Since 1 January 2021, the rights and obligations between the European Union and the United Kingdom have been determined by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 25 December 2020 (PDF) (EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement). After intensive negotiations, the European Commission has reached an agreement with the United Kingdom on the terms of its future cooperation with the European Union. Almost fit to be called a Christmas miracle, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) came to an agreement on December 24th, 2020. A FREE TRADE AGREEMENT Trade in goods. Indeed, these are unilateral decisions of the EU and are not subject to negotiation. Box 30 18 82, 10746 Berlin, Phone +49 30 726161-0Fax +49 30 726161-212Email kontakt(at), Registration of Auditors from Third Countries, Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 25 December 2020 (PDF), FRC has compiled information on registration (PDF). Products that do not meet these criteria may be subject to import duties, even if these products were in free circulation before they were shipped from … It includes provisions to ensure that competition between EU and UK operators takes place on a level playing field, so that passenger rights, workers' rights and transport safety are not undermined. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen said: “It was worth fighting for this deal because we now have a fair and balanced agreement with the UK, which will … Foreign policy, external security and defence cooperation is not covered by the Agreement as the UK did not want to negotiate this matter. While those trading cross-border in goods have breathed sighs of relief, the agreement, as expected, contains limited rights in … Both parties can engage in cross-sector retaliation in case of violations of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. 2 - Professional services (all professions except health-related) (b) Auditing services, p. 644). They can apply for an exemption for the legal representation of a German audit firm (paragraph 28 (3) WPO). United Kingdom. Without such an exemption, they have to leave the company. Das EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement regelt nun die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und UK ab dem 1.1.2021. Posted in UK and EU legal framework The Withdrawal Agreement. Lastly, the United Kingdom has reserved the right in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement to allow third-country auditors and third-country audit firms to work as statutory auditors in the United Kingdom, subject to the equivalence of professional rights and reciprocity (see ANNEX SERVIN-1: EXISTING MEASURES, Schedule of the United Kingdom, Reservation No. The agreement will now be signed by the two parties on 30 December 2020. This EPRS publication seeks to provide an analytical overview of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK), which was agreed between the two parties on 24 December and signed by them on 30 December 2020, and has been provisionally applied since 1 … This Policy Brief provides an overview of the Agreement and looks at how it will likely impact both European industry and its workers. The Brexit EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement includes a Protocol on cooperation and combating VAT, customs and excise fraud, plus mutual assistance between the EU and UK on recovering tax claims. December 31, 2020. TRADE AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY, OF THE ONE PART, AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, OF THE OTHER PART . Call for application: dispute settlement activities under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Press release: EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: protecting European interests, ensuring fair competition, and continued cooperation in areas of mutual interest, Questions & Answers: EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, (Споразумение за търговия и сътрудничество между ЕС и Обединеното кралство (на всички езици)), (Acuerdo de comercio y cooperación entre la UE y el Reino Unido (todas las lenguas)), (Dohoda o obchodu a spolupráci mezi EU a Spojeným královstvím (všechny jazykové verze)), (Handels- og samarbejdsaftalen mellem EU og Det Forenede Kongerige (alle sprog)), (Handels- und Kooperationsabkommen zwischen der EU und dem Vereinigten Königreich (alle Sprachen)), (ELi ja Ühendkuningriigi vaheline kaubandus- ja koostööleping (kõik keeled)), (Η συμφωνία εμπορίου και συνεργασίας ΕΕ-Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου), (Accord de commerce et de coopération UE-Royaume-Uni (toutes les langues)), (An Comhaontú Trádála agus Comhair idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Ríocht Aontaithe (gach teanga)), (Sporazum o trgovini i suradnji između EU-a i Ujedinjene Kraljevine (svi jezici)), (Accordo sugli scambi e la cooperazione tra l'UE e il Regno Unito (tutte le lingue)), (ES un Apvienotās Karalistes Tirdzniecības un sadarbības nolīgums (visas valodas)), (ES ir Jungtinės Karalystės prekybos ir bendradarbiavimo susitarimas (visomis kalbomis)), (Az EU és az Egyesült Királyság közötti kereskedelmi és együttműködési megállapodás (az EU összes hivatalos nyelvén)), (Il-Ftehim ta’ Kummerċ u Kooperazzjoni bejn l-UE u r-Renju Unit (il-lingwi kollha)), (Handels- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de EU en het VK (alle talen)), (Umowa o handlu i współpracy między UE a Wielką Brytanią (wszystkie języki)), (Acordo de Comércio e Cooperação UE-Reino Unido (em todas as línguas)), (Acordul comercial și de cooperare UE-Regatul Unit (în toate limbile)), (Dohoda o obchode a spolupráci medzi EÚ a Spojeným kráľovstvom (všetky jazyky)), (Sporazum o trgovini in sodelovanju med EU in Združenim kraljestvom (v vseh jezikih)), (EU:n ja Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan kauppa- ja yhteistyösopimus (kaikki kielet)), (Handels- och samarbetsavtal mellan EU och Storbritannien (alla språk)), (ОТНОШЕНИЯТА МЕЖДУ ЕС И ОБЕДИНЕНОТО КРАЛСТВО: Големи промени в сравнение с ползите от членството в ЕС - КОНТРОЛЕН СПИСЪК), (RELACIONES UE-REINO UNIDO: Grandes cambios en comparación con las ventajas de la pertenencia a la UE - LISTA COMPARATIVA), (Vztahy mezi EU a Spojeným královstvím: Velké změny ve srovnání s výhodami členství v EU - KONTROLNÍ SEZNAM), (FORBINDELSERNE MELLEM EU OG UK: Store ændringer i forhold til fordelene ved EU-medlemskab - TJEKLISTE), (BEZIEHUNGEN EU-VEREINIGTES KÖNIGREICH: Große Veränderungen im Vergleich zu den Vorteilen der EU-Mitgliedschaft - CHECKLISTE), (ELi ja ÜHENDKUNINGRIIGI SUHTED Suured muutused võrreldes ELi liikmesusest tuleneva kasuga - KONTROLLNIMEKIRI), (ΣΧΕΣΕΙΣ ΕΕ-Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου: Μεγάλες αλλαγές σε σχέση με τα οφέλη της συμμετοχής στην ΕΕ - ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ), (RELATIONS ENTRE L’UNION EUROPÉENNE ET LE ROYAUME-UNI: changements majeurs par rapport aux avantages de l’adhésion à l’UE - LISTE SYNOPTIQUE), (AN CAIDREAMH AE-RA: Athruithe móra i gcomparáid leis na buntáistí a bhaineann le ballraíocht san Aontas - SEICLIOSTA), (ODNOSI EU-A I UJEDINJENE KRALJEVINE: Velike promjene u odnosu na koristi članstva u EU-u - PREGLED), (RELAZIONI UE-REGNO UNITO: rilevanti cambiamenti rispetto ai vantaggi dell’appartenenza all’UE - PUNTO PER PUNTO), (ES UN APVIENOTĀS KARALISTES ATTIECĪBAS: lielas pārmaiņas, salīdzinot ar priekšrocībām, ko sniedz dalība ES - KONTROLSARAKSTS), (ES ir Jungtinės Karalystės santykiai: dideli pokyčiai, palyginti su narystės ES privalumais - KONTROLINIS SĄRAŠAS), (AZ EURÓPAI UNIÓ ÉS AZ EGYESÜLT KIRÁLYSÁG KÖZÖTTI KAPCSOLATOK: Jelentős változások az uniós tagság előnyeihez képest - ELLENŐRZŐLISTA), (Ir-relazzjonijiet bejn l-UE u r-Renju Unit: Bidliet kbar meta mqabbla mal-benefiċċji tas-sħubija fl-UE - LISTA TA’ KONTROLL), (BETREKKINGEN TUSSEN EU EN VK: Grote veranderingen ten opzichte van de voordelen van het EU-lidmaatschap - CONTROLELIJST), (STOSUNKI UE – ZJEDNOCZONE KRÓLESTWO: Duże zmiany w porównaniu z korzyściami wynikającymi z członkostwa w UE - WYKAZ ZMIAN), (RELAÇÕES ENTRE A UE E O REINO UNIDO: principais mudanças em relação às vantagens dos Estados‑Membros - QUADRO COMPARATIVO), (RELAȚIILE UE-REGATUL UNIT: Schimbări majore în comparație cu beneficiile conferite de apartenența la UE - LISTĂ), (VZŤAHY MEDZI EÚ A SPOJENÝM KRÁĽOVSTVOM: Veľké zmeny v porovnaní s výhodami, ktoré poskytuje členstvo v EÚ - ZOZNAM), (ODNOSI MED EU IN ZDRUŽENIM KRALJESTVOM: velike spremembe v primerjavi s članstvom v EU - KONTROLNI SEZNAM), (EU:n ja Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan suhteet Suuria muutoksia verrattuna EU-jäsenyyden etuihin - TARKISTUSLUETTELO), (Förbindelserna EU–Förenade kungariket: Stora förändringar jämfört med fördelarna med EUmedlemskapet - CHECKLISTA), The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (all languages), Slides on Governance and Enforcement in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, EU-UK RELATIONS: Big changes compared to benefits of EU membership - Checklist, EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: A new relationship, with big changes - Brochure, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, New partnership for our citizens’ security, DG Trade: Exporting from the EU, importing into the EU - all you need to know, product-by-product, on tariffs & taxes, customs procedures, rules of origin, trade barriers, product requirements, and statistics for all EU countries and for more than 120 export markets around the world, DG TAXUD: Taxation and Customs: Information relating to the UK no longer being covered by EU preferential trade arrangements with third countries, EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: protecting European interests, ensuring fair competition, and continued cooperation in areas of mutual interest, Remarks by Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier at the press conference on the outcome of the EU-UK negotiations, Press conference by European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN and Chief Negotiator Michel BARNIER, on the outcome of the EU-UK negotiations, EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: A new relationship, with big changes - Overview of consequences and benefits, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media. The agreements were then signed by the two parties on 30 December 2020. While the UK was a member of the EU, and during the transition period, the UK traded with the EU as part of the European Single Market and the Customs Union. The deal will cover the future UK-EU relationship, with the two parties aiming to implement it in time for the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December. A significant point to note is that the parties’ commitments regarding tax are based on global OECD/BEPS standards, rather than EU standards. January 18, 2021. On the 24 December, the EU-27 and UK concluded the -UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementEU , To give maximum legal certainty to businesses, consumers and citizens, a dedicated chapter on governance provides clarity on how the Trade and Cooperation Agreement will be operated and controlled. German auditors and German audit firms auditing companies related to the regulated capital market in the United Kingdom have to register there with the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) as third-country auditors or third-country audit firms. The Agreement applies provisionally from 1 January 2021, pending the finalisation of the ratification process (Article FINPROV.11). Foreign policy, external security and defence cooperation is not covered by the Agreement as the UK did not want to negotiate this matter. On social security coordination, the agreement aims at ensuring a number of rights of EU citizens and UK nationals. Thus, as of 1 January 2021, UK auditors are no longer EU auditors but instead are regarded as third-country auditors, and UK audit firms are deemed third-country audit firms. James Rogers. On transport, the agreement provides for continued and sustainable air, road, rail and maritime connectivity, though market access falls below what the Single Market offers. It has been applied provisionally since 1 January 2021, when the Brexit transition period ended, and extended until 30 April 2021. On 29 December 2020 the Council adopted the decision on the signing of the EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement and a security of information agreement and their provisional application as of 1 January 2021. The details remain to be clarified, as well. In terms of the economic partnership, the UK and the EU have agreed a basic free trade agreement. Specific suspension clauses apply to the cooperation on law enforcement and judicial cooperation in case a Party breaches its obligations. Seeking a “fresh start” in relations under the Biden Administration, the United States and European Union announced on March 5 a four-month mutual suspension of tariffs related to the ongoing Boeing-Airbus trade dispute (“March 5 Agreement”). EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Tax. This EPRS publication seeks to provide an analytical overview of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK), which was agreed between the two parties on 24 December and signed by them on 30 December 2020, and has been provisionally applied since 1 January 2021. See Commission brochure "EU/UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement; a new relationship with big changes", issued on 24 December 2020. The Trade Agreement, called in full length “EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement“, is set out to define new rules from the date of the UK Exit from the EU, January 1st, 2021. “The entry into application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement is a matter of special urgency”, and per the press release, “the [European] Commission proposes to apply the Agreement on a provisional basis, for a limited period of time until 28 February 2021.” EU Press Release: The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement concluded between the EU and the UK sets out preferential arrangements in areas such as trade in goods and in services, digital trade, intellectual property, public procurement, aviation and road transport, energy, fisheries, social security coordination, law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, thematic cooperation and participation in Union programmes. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The EU and the UK agreed on a new framework for the joint management of fish stocks in EU and UK waters. The European Parliament is currently considering the Agreement with a … It provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin. Note, however, that the TCA itself makes no … Overview . On 24 December 2020, EU and UK negotiators reached an “agreement in principle” on the text of a new “Trade and Cooperation Agreement” to govern their relations now that the UK has left the EU. This means there will be zero tariffs and zero quotas on the trade in goods between the UK and the EU. The FRC has already confirmed to the WPK that the German professional rules are regarded as equivalent which is required for this registration. Since 1 January 2021, the rights and obligations between the European Union and the United Kingdom have been determined by the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 25 December 2020 (PDF) (EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement). It builds new operational capabilities, taking account of the fact that the UK, as a non-EU member outside of the Schengen area, will not have the same facilities as before. Both parties must now advance with the signature and ratification It is underpinned by provisions ensuring a level playing field and respect for fundamental rights. The widely anticipated . The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement covers the following areas: trade in goods and in services, digital trade, intellectual property, public procurement, aviation and road transport, energy, fisheries, social security coordination, law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, thematic cooperation and participation in Union programmes. Big changes coming: getting ready 1 January 2021. The FRC has compiled information on registration (PDF). Since 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union. January 13, 2021 . The possibility of third-country auditor registration is referred to in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (see ANNEX SERVIN-1: EXISTING MEASURES, Schedule of the Union, Reservation No. Both parties have committed to ensuring a robust level playing field by maintaining high levels of protection in areas such as environmental protection, the fight against climate change and carbon pricing, social and labour rights, tax transparency and State aid, with effective, domestic enforcement, a binding dispute settlement mechanism and the possibility for both parties to take remedial measures. the draft EU-UK TCA, agreed at negotiator level (to be ratified) has been published, along with a number of associated declarations and agreements including a separate Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and an Agreement on Security Procedures for Exchanging and Protecting Classified Information. Background. On energy, the agreement provides a new model for trading and interconnectivity, with guarantees for open and fair competition, including on safety standards for offshore, and production of renewable energy. WirtschaftsprüferkammerKörperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts(Chamber of Public Accountants), Rauchstraße 26, 10787 BerlinP.O. President Ursula von der Leyen spoke about the “long and winding road ” that led to an agreement… This means that businesses in the EU and the UK compete on a level playing field and will avoid either party using its regulatory autonomy to grant unfair subsidies or distort competition. A new economic and social partnership with the United Kingdom. The agreement covers not just trade in goods and services, but also a broad range of other areas in the EU's interest, such as investment, competition, State aid, tax transparency, air and road transport, energy and sustainability, fisheries, data protection, and social security coordination. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement consists of. 01/01/2021. We also look ahead to the forthcoming EU-UK Memorandum of Understanding and its potential impact on equivalence decisions. The German Chamber of Public Accountants has already recognised the equivalence of professional rules. oj l 444, 31.12.2020, p. 14–1462 (bg, es, cs, da, de, et, el, en, fr, … Amongst other things, this brought about a very abrupt end to the freedom of movement previously enjoyed by all EU citizens in the UK. “A ‘Most-Favoured Nation’ clause would enable both the EU and the UK to claim any more favourable treatment granted by the UK or the EU in their future agreements on trade in services and investment with other third countries” (Source: European Commission EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement) This does not apply to financial services. Aus steuerlicher Sicht hat die Einigung jedoch weiterhin Elemente eines "harten" Brexits. The agreement provides guidance across several areas for the life sciences sector, though gaps remain. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: An analytical overview. WPK Börsen Stellen-, Praktikums- und Praxisangebote einstellen/verwalten, Meine Daten Spezialkenntnisse, Qualitätskontrolle, Geldwäschebekämpfung Informationen der FIU, Lagebilder, The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK (“ EU-UK Trade Agreement ”, “Agreement”) provides for full elimination of customs duties, but only for products traded between the EU and the UK that meet the prescribed rules of origin. To limit the disruption insofar as possible, the EU and the United Kingdom have spent the past year negotiating the terms of a new “Trade and Cooperation Agreement” to govern their future relations now that the UK is a third country. The UK will be able to further develop British fishing activities, while the activities and livelihoods of European fishing communities will be safeguarded, and natural resources preserved. The security cooperation can be suspended in case of violations by the UK of its commitment for continued adherence to the European Convention of Human Rights and its domestic enforcement. This agreement does not regulate auditors, but merely summarises the various national regulations (measures) and, if applicable, reservations for future regulations (reservations). Subject to the authorisation of the WPK, they can be minority shareholders of a German audit firm. EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: financial services. On 24 December 2020, the UK and EU announced the conclusion of a Trade and Cooperation Agreement ( TCA) which would govern their future relationship from 1 January 2021, following the expiry of the 11-month transition period after the UK had formally left the EU. This document has been agreed between the European Union and the United Kingdom and is provided for information only. With a week to go until the end of the Brexit transition period, the UK and EU announced the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on 24 December. Mit der Einigung vom 24.12.2020 haben die Europäische Union und das Vereinigte Königreich (UK) ein neues Kapitel in ihren Beziehungen aufgeschlagen. Date entered into force. The agreements have been provisionally applied since 1 January 2021. It will be directly relevant to all businesses that trade in either direction between the UK and … trade and cooperation agreement between the european union and the european atomic energy community, of the one part, and the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, of the other part. UK auditors who were as EU auditors entitled to participate in audit firms without further admission and were entitled to legal representation, can now no longer be partners and legal representatives of a German audit firm. Today, the two lead committees, responsible for recommending consent (or not) to the European Parliament on the new EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement, will assess each sector of the deal with the specialised committees providing opinions.. Watch the meeting live here (4 February, 13:45-15:45). This is consistent with the general approach taken in the TCA. a Free Trade Agreement, with ambitious cooperation on economic, social, environmental and fisheries issues, a close partnership on citizens’ security, an overarching governance framework. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and the implications on business immigration At 11pm on 31 December 2020, the Brexit transition period officially came to an end. On 24 December 2020, the EU and UK negotiators agreed on a Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The Council has today adopted, by written procedure, the decision on the signing of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and its provisional application as of 1 January 2021, pending the consent of the European Parliament and conclusion by the Council decision next year. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement is provisionally applicable since 1 January 2021, after having been agreed by EU and UK negotiators on 24 December 2020. On 24 December 2020, an agreement in principle was reached at negotiators’ level. The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Auditors and audit firms of the UK that audit companies related to the regulated capital market in Germany must register with the German Chamber of Public Accountants as third-country auditors and third-country audit firms (§ 134 WPO). It recognises the need for strong cooperation between national police and judicial authorities, in particular for fighting and prosecuting cross-border crime and terrorism. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement consists of. This agreement does not regulate auditors, but merely summarises the various national regulations (measures) and, if applicable, reservations for future … This cross-sector retaliation applies to all areas of the economic partnership. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement establishes a new framework for law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal and civil law matters. This concerns EU citizens working in, travelling or moving to the UK and to UK nationals working in, travelling or moving to the EU after 1st January 2021. This creates a framework between the UK and EU27 member states to assist each other in compliance with VAT legislation and protecting VAT revenues and recovering tax and duties … Country. It remains to be clarified whether the United Kingdom, regarding the aforementioned already assessed equivalence of professional rules, will waive the registration for German auditors and audit firms subject to reciprocity. DG TAXUD: Taxation and Customs: Questions and Answers on the impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, its Single Market and Customs Union. 02-02-2021. However, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement provides for visa-free short-term business trips of up to 90 days in any 180 period, if they fall within a limited list of permitted activities. In addition, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement does not cover any decisions relating to equivalences for financial services, the adequacy of the UK data protection regime, or the assessment of the UK’s sanitary and phytosanitary regime for the purpose of listing it as a third country allowed to export food products to the EU. Nevertheless, the Agreement will by no means match the significant advantages that the UK enjoyed as a Member State of the EU. On 26 December 2020, the text of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom (the “TCA”) was published (link). With hours to go to the end of the Brexit transition period deadline, the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) was signed by both sides thus coming into provisional effect (pending formal ratification by the EU). Protecting the European Union's interests, ensuring fair competition, and continued cooperation in areas of mutual interest. From 1 January 2021 the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement is provisionally applied (still to be ratified by the European Parliament). The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) is generally light on tax content. However, due to the withdrawal agreement, the United Kingdom was still considered a member state of the European Union until 31 December 2020, and consequently British auditors were considered EU auditors. As of 1 January 2021, there will therefore be no framework in place between the UK and the EU to develop and coordinate joint responses to foreign policy challenges, for instance the imposition of sanctions on third country nationals or economies. 2 - Professional services (except health-related professions), (d) Auditing services, p. 565). On 24 December 2020, the UK and EU agreed a new Trade and Cooperation Agreement to govern the future trading and security relationship now that the UK has left the EU. Finally, the agreement enables the UK's continued participation in a number of flagship EU programmes for the period 2021-2027 (subject to a financial contribution by the UK to the EU budget), such as Horizon Europe. The EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) is a free trade agreement signed on 30 December 2020, between the European Union (EU), the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the United Kingdom (UK). The agreement foresees the possibility of adopting rebalancing, remedial, compensatory and safeguard measures. It also establishes a Joint Partnership Council, who will make sure the Agreement is properly applied and interpreted, and in which all arising issues will be discussed. Das EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement regelt nun die Beziehungen zwischen der EU und …