The command to consume superfluously will continue in deadly earnest, from morning till night, everywhere, fully endorsed by the rightwing mind. The circular economy has huge potential not only to reduce our dependency on scarce resources, but also to create jobs. How could any thinking resident of our planet not be? In this context one must consider that Multilateral organizations, and others, though imperfect, rose to give hope to millions upon millions of disenfranchised survivors of the war, and have evolved into a network of powerful and effective institutions serving the peoples of some 200 countries, in all manner of adverse contexts and circumstances, and staunchly facing clear threats like imminent wars, epidemics and new infectious diseases, cyclical global warming and anthropogenic climate disruption. After posting your comment, you’ll have a ten-minute window to make any edits. Erst ab Mitte Februar soll Licht ins Dunkel kommen. We must translate our climate-policy leadership into market leadership to secure a Global Green Deal.Let’s get to work.UNQUOTE***March 27, 2021The world is pleading for a transcendental New Deal of justice and welfare. As a subscriber, you will enjoy unlimited access to our On Point suite of long reads, book reviews, and insider interviews; Big Picture topical collections; Say More contributor interviews; Opinion Has It podcast features; The Year Ahead magazine, the full PS archive, and much more. Email
Von der Leyen stellte die Grundsätze des EGN vor – ihr politisches Schlüsselprojekt als neue EU-Kommissionspräsidentin. Stromeyer (1927–2002). We use cookies to improve our service for you. "We have more proof that what is good for the climate is good for business and is good for us all," von der Leyen said in her first State of the Union speech - where she announced an increase in the existing 2030 emission-reduction … The formal apparatus must yield and adapt, or it shall collapse. Every day, DW's editors send out a selection of the day's hard news and quality feature journalism. Why would the concentration of CO2 suddenly increase fourfold over the next 80 years ? Europe will work with its global partners to curtail biodiversity loss within the next five years. Indeed, it appears that the world has reached a point where the paradigms of national and supranational government in the fields of finance, industry and commerce, justice, and security, at both levels, established at the end of World War II through global institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, have on the one hand reached a certain level of philosophical irrelevance, and on the other, a level of practical incompetence, a la Peter Drucker. Ziel des EGN ist es, den Weg für eine klimaneutrale Wirtschaft bis in das … Five years ago, 196 countries came together and signed the Paris agreement, committing to keep the average global temperature within 2°C – but preferably 1.5°C – of its pre-industrial level. Social policy is divorced from trade policy, just like finance is divorced from greenhouse gas reduction targets. Reset Password
Der „Green Deal“ soll Europa bis 2050 klimaneutral machen. The European Green Deal will still need to be approved — by the leaders of the EU's member states and the European Parliament — for the climate policies to be implemented into law. European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen has highlighted the importance of EU environmental action by creating a new role of Executive Vice President for the European Green Deal. If so, beyond investigating its causes, it is necessary to investigate the attributes, achievements, and plans of existing multilateral and governmental poverty eradication and economic development organizations, and of their private counterparts, and the regulatory environment, in order to determine the need and opportunity for the creation of new private-public systems to increase the north-south investments rate. Lufthansa hat 400.000 Flugtickets noch nicht erstattet. If you would like to update your name, please do so here. It's predicted that countries will miss the target by a wide margin unless drastic steps are taken rapidly. Green Deal: Thunberg bezeichnet von der Leyens EU-Klimagesetz als "Kapitulation" Inhalt bereitgestellt von Er wurde von FOCUS Online nicht geprüft oder bearbeitet. By helping us to build a truly open world of ideas, every PS subscriber makes a real difference. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, promised on Wednesday (16 September) that the Green Deal will lead the investment plan needed in Europe for a future-orientated "true recovery". The event will bring world leaders together to share their plans for implementing the necessary policies at home and ensuring international coordination. Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen stellt in Brüssel den Green New Deal der Kommission vor The "European Green Deal" envisages net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Ursula von der Leyen is President of the European Commission. Covering these costs should also be part of the project. Our environment, our natural jewels, our seas and oceans, must be conserved and protected. Through her Political Guidelines, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has presented a bold vision for a greener Europe. Which expect a CO2 concentration in 2100 of 950 ppm. China’s antagonistic response to concerns over the use of forced labor in Xinjiang suggests that its leaders believe that the Chinese market is simply too lucrative for Western firms or governments to abandon. Tragedy of the commons. We must urgently reduce the environmental and carbon footprint of the goods we consume.To do so, we need to invest in circular technologies that reuse resources, rather than constantly producing or importing new goods and extracting ever more raw materials. Capitalist assignment of work and its rewards has clearly proven to be perverse in the twenty-first century world, as Thomas Piketty has abundantly shown. With its vote today, the European Parliament gave the green light to the von der Leyen Commission and its collective ambition to put in place a European Green Deal in 2020, within the first 100 days of the European Commission’s time in office. The European Commission, which originates EU policy, splits and chops proposals and distributes them among siloed teams of experts, who then draft the legislation. Sep 2020, 07:03. Konkrete Vorlagen sollen 2020 und 2021 folgen. Password
Noch kann Ursula von der Leyen mit ihrer Arbeit als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin nicht beginnen. The climate plan does not only want to reduce the CO2 challenge , but also develop a green, fair and social society for everybody. The European Commission signed off on President Ursula von der Leyen's "European Green Deal" on Wednesday in Brussels, with a promise of money for EU nations that are lagging behind. But some of Biden's biggest priorities, like his ambitious infrastructure program, are facing opposition from both sides of the aisle. At the crux of world peace, and planetary rescue, would be tax reform, via Sole Consumption Tax (SCT), that would enable eradication of absolute extreme poverty and relative extreme poverty, through regular income redistribution ensuring the attainment of autonomous survival with increasing welfare potential for the poorest, that would irreversibly approach that of the richest, voluntary population stabilization, voluntary production and consumption stabilization, and carbon emissions stabilization. The climate change resolutions will be considered by the leaders of EU countries at their meeting in Brussels on Thursday. So will es der "Green Deal", den EU-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen heute vorstellte. By strengthening its emissions-reduction targets and investing heavily in clean energy, greentech, and research and development, the European Union has positioned itself as a global climate leader. In my view, the world can no longer solve its most pressing problems -threatening anthropogenic climate disruption and global warming and universal income polarization with extreme inequality- on a piecemeal, national, and country by country basis, when the world's real economies -the U.S., China, the EU, and Russia- are globalized. Contact To keep the increase in global temperature as close to 1.5°C as possible, we must support decarbonization efforts beyond our borders. Such a system would have to be considered under a philosophy that would include the likely possibility that the capitalization imbalance between the northern hemisphere, and the southern hemisphere, developed countries and the underdeveloped, and between OECD countries and the rest, suggests that something may be failing in the capital markets’ capacity to arbitrate investments: It would seem that it does not function effectively, and that the not so uncommon perception of increasing relative backwardness of the Third World is true. September 2020 hat die Kommissionspräsidentin bestätigt, dass die Brüsseler Behörde eine Anhebung des CO2-Reduktionsziels der EU von 40 auf "mindestens 55 Prozent" gegenüber 1990 vorschlägt. Four years ago in Paris, world leaders agreed to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit), ideally no more than 1.5 C (2.7 F) by the end of the century. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Thursday that they have reached a trade deal with the United Kingdom. Not only does it aim to reduce the continent's emissions, but it also has the potential to grow the EU's economy and transform the bloc's politics. Ex-EZB-Chefvolkswirt fürchtet Spaltung der Euro-Zone The 1940-2020 Era of American moral and financial leadership has come to an end for lack of vision and an over-emphasis on solving all its problems via military influence.Europe has been rebuilt with a massive financial support from the US via the Marshal Plan and the Nato military umbrella, and it's been able to afford developing a social network that should become a model for the West. Werner Hoyer is President of the European Investment Bank. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Such research and development is both necessary and an enormous market opportunity. Already, a group of countries representing half of the world’s GHG emissions have adopted “net-zero” targets, and others will surely follow. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen unveils Europe's "Green Deal" plan to fight climate change on Dec. 11, 2019, at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels. A "Just Transition Fund" is envisaged to help those countries with the switch away from fossil fuels, although the amount will depend on the outcome of negotiations on the EU's long-term budget for 2021-2027. Um die Überhitzung der Erde zu stoppen, soll die EU ab 2050 CO2-neutral werden. argues that despite a flying start, US President Joe Biden still faces a number of challenges during his term. Europe has the tools, the skills, and the knowledge to lead by example. News Von der Leyen urges 'green deal' for a more united EU. Green Deal: Ursula von der Leyen bestätigt Verschärfung des 2030-Klimaziels In ihrer Rede zur Lage der Europäischen Union vor dem Europäischen Parlament am 16. Noch ist der Europäische Green Deal von Ursula von der Leyen für die europäische Landwirtschaft eine Black Box. I think this smells to mission creep. Beim Berliner Energiewende-Dialog hat EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen heute (Dienstag) unterstrichen, dass die COVID-19-Pandemie die Sorge um den Planeten noch wichtiger mache: „Der Europäische Green Deal ist heute genauso wichtig wie vor COVID-19. required
Das ist das Ziel des "Green Deal" von Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen.
Von der Leyen’s Green Deal isn’t just a plan for the environment. Consider this one project, sorely needed in thousands of places worldwide. Read more: Opinion: EU Green Deal can spark a decarbonization revolution. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. | Mobile version, Opinion: EU Green Deal can spark a decarbonization revolution, Opinion: In times of climate change, panic rules, Greta Thunberg named Time Person of the Year, UN has warned of a collective failure to act, At least 50% reduction in EU carbon emissions compared with 1990 levels by 2030, A "carbon border tax" on polluting foreign firms in selected industries in 2021, €100 billion earmarked to help countries transition from fossil fuels. The circular economy has huge potential not only to reduce our dependency on scarce resources, but also to create jobs. This threatening groundswell, which must be addressed, is exemplified by the "Los Indignados" of Spain, begun on May 15, 2011, that has spread not only to the USA, in the form of Occupy Wall Street, begun on September 17, 2011, but to the UK, is being amplified by other movements, in the First World, in the context of the European crisis, and is widening its reach to very many other countries in it and in the Second, Third, and Fourth Worlds, echoing the current global revolution begun earlier that year in the Arab Spring. ", Von der Leyen said an economic growth plan based on fossil fuels and pollution was "out of date and out of touch. But disrupting or dismantling working domestic or international financial, economic, or legal institutions, systems, or treaties, that have held the world together for seventy years, and purport to do so indefinitely, without having a clue as to what would take their place, simply because someone feels the impulse to leave his mark in history, would have been unthinkable a year ago.BREXIT's opting out of the world's largest trading accord, which remains very sound, having been extremely successful, for some sixty-two years, based on magic thinking, at best, and perhaps merely to gain political notoriety, instead of reforming or restructuring it from within, would also have been considered patently absurd, till less than four years ago, and is today beginning to be perceived that way by a growing part of the people of the UK. Brussels, 11/12/2019 - 21:36, UNIQUE ID: 191211_20. The huge investments that are being planned need a sound basis. As we approached the end of 2020 – Europe’s hottest year on record – we in the European Union made a collective decision to reduce our greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. [1] It appears that you have not yet updated your first and last name. As Europe continues to show, the Green Deal is not just an environmental policy; it is an economic and geopolitical necessity. Sie Speech by President von der Leyen in the Plenary of the European Parliament at the debate on the European Green Deal European Commission Speech Brussels, 11 Dec 2019 Merci beaucoup Monsieur le Président, Il y a deux semaines que j'ai fait une promesse à ce Parlement. Europe has the tools, the skills, and the knowledge to lead by example. Bis 2050 soll Europa zum ersten klimaneutralen Kontinent werden. To receive another confirmation email, please click here. Please be civil and avoid name-calling and ad hominem remarks. Privacy Policy | Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf. BlackRock und der „Green Deal“ "Thoroughly in agreement. As Europe’s new growth strategy, it aims to transform the EU into a fairer, more prosperous society by guiding the transition to a more resource-efficient, competitive economy. Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hält erste Rede zur Lage der EU Markus Preiß, ARD Brüssel, tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 16.9.2020 Mehr als nur niedrige Grenzwerte "But we also have to be sure that no one is left behind. Nachdem die neue EU-Komission den “Green Deal” beschlossen hat, vergleicht Ursula von der Leyen diesen mit der Mondlandung. To this end, we have set ourselves three investment priorities. We also need a roadmap, which is why the European Commission introduced the European Green Deal in December 2019. 2 Commentaries. Von der Leyen, who has put climate issues at the center of her presidency, described the plan as Europe's "new growth strategy. However, this figure pales in comparison to the costs of doing nothing. … Green Deal will be ‘our motor for the recovery’, von der Leyen says Posted by aclimaadmin | abril 29, 2020 | Noticias del Sector European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen promised on Tuesday (28 April) to put the European Green Deal at the centre of the EU’s recovery plan, echoing similar statements made by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It is a deal by Europe, for Europe, and a contribution to a better world. It is a "cultural project," she said, pointing out the need to make the EU's food, energy, mobility and production systems, as well as consumption patterns and lifestyles, more sustainable. It's a nice idea to turn the planet into a garden with long term perspectives for its biological varieties. Project Syndicate March 22, 2021 A GLOBAL GREEN DEAL by Ursula von der Leyen & Werner Hoyer QUOTE We need to embrace the idea of a “circular economy.” As matters stand, we are taking more out of our planet than it can afford to give us, and the effects of this overreach will become increasingly dramatic and destructive with each passing year. Als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen im Dezember den „Green Deal“ präsentiert hat, hat sie vom „Mann-auf-dem-Mond-Moment“ für Europa gesprochen. As part of the European Green Deal, we will present a Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. In this situation would also fall, under their own weight, sooner rather than later, the old British Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth of Independent States created by the Russian Federation after the Soviet Union's demise, with its recent Eurasian Economic Community, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, currently without any counterweight, and even the European Union, preceded by its Euro Zone and nascent fiscal union, and the probably hundreds of dependent organizations, treaties, and multinational projects.That the "Recent stock market sell-off foreshadows a new Great Recession" in the U.S. as foreseen by professors Steven Pressman of Colorado State University and Robert H. Scott III of Monmouth University in their article of March 19, 2018 in THE CONVERSATION, may very well be. We must translate our climate-policy leadership into market leadership to secure a Global Green Deal. So far, this commitment has yet to be matched by sufficient action. "We want to be the front runners in climate friendly industries, in clean technologies, in green financing," von der Leyen said. That is why we need a Global Green Deal. Das soll 1 Billion Euro kosten. Indeed, Roger E.A. And we have climate-adaptation expertise to share, along with flood-control technologies, advanced weather forecasting tools, and resilient infrastructure. The EU, however, represents less than 10% of global emissions, so European action alone will not be enough to slow global warming. Project SyndicateMarch 22, 2021A GLOBAL GREEN DEALby Ursula von der Leyen & Werner HoyerQUOTEWe need to embrace the idea of a “circular economy.” As matters stand, we are taking more out of our planet than it can afford to give us, and the effects of this overreach will become increasingly dramatic and destructive with each passing year.